
O my friend, please go and leave me be

يا صاحبي تروحا وذراني

1. O my friend, please go and leave me be
The anguish is not like a pleasant company

١. يا صاحبيَّ تَروَّحا وذَراني
ليس الخليُّ كمُسْعَرِ الأحزانِ

2. Are they the most important, who on the morn of Badr came out
When the valiant were matched in combat proximity

٢. أهمّ الذين غداة بدرٍ بارزوا
عند احتدامِ تبارزِ الأقرانِ

3. Or was it others, who appointed them
While they were in the farthest stand and vicinity

٣. أم كان غيرُهُمُ الذي وَلوهُمُ
وهم بأبعدِ موقفِ ومَكانِ

4. When Utba, al-Walid and his uncle
Walked in a group of bodies and anatomy

٤. إذ جاء عتبةُ والوليدُ وعمُّه
يَمشون في حَلَقٍ من الأَبدانِ

5. Until when matters were finished and arranged
And the blessed companion of wisdom and piety departed

٥. حتى إذا انقضتِ الأمورُ وصُرِّفَت
ومضى المباركُ صاحبُ العِرفانِ

6. Afterwards they took the caliphate arbitrarily
And they opened their eyes to one without belief or sanity

٦. أخذوا الخلافةَ بعد ذلك فَلتةً
واستبصرَوا من ليس ذا الإيمانِ

7. Is it in Ahmad's will that they gain
When the Helpers revolted against authority

٧. هل في وصيّةِ أحمدٍ أن يظفروا
إن جالت الأنصارُ بالسُّلطانِ

8. He only witnessed the prayers of his sons
No clear proof came in it certainly

٨. شهدت بالصلاة بنيه
لم تأت فيه بواضح البرهانِ

9. But Abu Dharr, Salman, Miqdad
And Ammar, the one awake and vigilant

٩. أما أبو ذرّ وسلمانٌ ومق
دادٌ وعمَّارٌ أبو اليَقْظانِ

10. They did not forget the covenant of Muhammad
Intentionally, and they did not resort to hiding or silence

١٠. لم يُحدثوا نسيانَ عهدِ محمدٍ
عَمْداً وما آلوا إلى كتمانِ

11. Rather, they clarified what they were entrusted with and did good
So Allah will reward them for their grace and benevolence

١١. بل بيّنوا ما استودعوهُ وأحسنوا
فاللهُ يَجزِيهِم على الإحسانِ