
I was astounded by someone who once said to me

ولقد عجبت لقائل لي مرة

1. I was astounded by someone who once said to me
A scholar of great wisdom and understanding

١. ولقد عجبتُ لقائلٍ لي مرّةً
عَلاّمَةٌ فَهْمٌ من الفُهَماءِ

2. You abandoned your people, faulting their religion
Yet you did not follow the path of the jurists

٢. أَهَجَرْتَ قومَك طاعِناً في دينِهم
وسلكتَ غيرَ مسالكِ الفُقَهاء

3. Why did you not gain closeness through loving Muhammad's family?
Loving all would have made you a man of loyalty

٣. هلا فَرَجْتَ بِحُبِّ آل محمد
حبَّ الجميعِ فكنتَ أهلَ وفاء

4. I answered him with a response that was not harsh
The truth I wear has a cloak over it

٤. فأجبتُه بجوابِ غيرِ مباعدٍ
لِلحقِّ مَلبوس عليه غَطائي

5. The people of the cloak are my beloved, as they
Are whom God has decreed for me loyalty

٥. أهلُ الكساءِ أحَبَّتي فهمُ الذينَ
فرضَ الإلُه لَهم عليَّ وَلائي

6. And whoever loves them and follows their faith
To them I have sincere affection

٦. ولِمَنْ أَحَبَّهُمُ ووالى دينَهم
فَلَهمْ عليَّ مودّةٌ بِصفاء

7. As for the dissenters, my curse is upon them
And I single them out with the aim of censure

٧. والعاندونُ لهم عليهمْ لَعنتي
واخصُّهمُ مِنّي بقصدِ هِجاء

8. I was amazed by someone who once said to me
A sign of wisdom from the jurists

٨. ولقد عَجِبُت لقائلٍ لي مَرّةً
علامةٍ فَهْمٍ من الفقهاء

9. Your people called you master, speaking truly
You are the successful one, master of poets

٩. سمَّاك قومُك سيّداً صدقوا بهِ
أنت الموفقُ سيدُ الشعراءِ

10. When you specifically praise Muhammad's family
With your praise, you are unmatched by any poet

١٠. ما أنت حينَ تخصُّ آلَ محمدٍ
بالمدحِ منكَ وشاعرٌ بِسواء

11. Praising wealthy kings for their gifts
While praising them though they gave no gift

١١. مدَح الملوكَ ذوي الغِنى لِعطائِهمْ
والمدحُ منك لهم لغيرِ عَطاءِ

12. So rejoice, for you have won their love
Even if you came to them with repayment

١٢. فابشِرْ فإِنّك فائزٌ في حُبِّهمْ
لو قد غدوتَ عليهِم بجزاءِ

13. The whole world does not equal
A sip of Ahmad's basin of water

١٣. ما تعدِلُ الدنيا جميعاً كُلُّها
من حوضِ أحمدَ شربةً من ماءِ