
The house of prophethood, messengership, and faith

بيت الرسالة والنبوة والذين

1. The house of prophethood, messengership, and faith
Whom we take as intercessors for our sins

١. بيتُ الرسالةِ والنبوةِ والذ
ينَ نُعِدُّهمْ لِذنوبِنا شفعاءَ

2. The pure, the truthful, the learned
The masters, the nobles

٢. الطاهرينَ الصادقينَ العا
لمينَ السادةَ النجباءَ

3. I have held onto loving them, clinging
Hoping to thereby gain God's pleasure

٣. إنّي علقتُ بحبهمْ متمسّكاً
أرجو بذاكَ من الإله رضاءَ

4. I want no other exemplars for myself
No, by Him who created the heavens, the heavens!

٤. أَسِواهم أَبغي لنفسي قُدوةً
لا والذي فَطَر السماءَ سماءَ

5. Who was it who first drew his sword
Against the pagans of Badr and shed their blood

٥. مَن كان أوّلَ من أبادَ بسيفِهِ
كُفّارَ بدرِ واستباحَ دماءَ

6. Who was it Gabriel extolled by name
On the day of Badr as they heard the call

٦. مَن ذاكَ نوّهَ جُبرئيلٌ باسمِهِ
في يوم بدرٍ يَسمعونَ نداءَ

7. None wields the sword but Dhu al-Fiqar, none is the youth
Except Ali, lofty and sublime

٧. لا سيفَ إلاّ ذو الفقارِ ولا فتى
إلاّ عليٌّ رفعةً وعَلاءَ

8. Did not the Merciful send them down when
They were challenged with vows and troths

٨. مَن انزل الرحمنُ فيهمْ هل أتى
لما تَحدَّوْا للنذورِ وَفاءَ

9. Of the five, Gabriel the sixth, as
The Prophet wrapped them all in his cloak

٩. من خمسةٍ جبريلُ سادِسهمْ وقد
مدَّ النبيُّ على الجميعِ عَباءَ

10. Who was it donated his ring while bowing
And the Lord of the Throne rewarded him loyalty

١٠. مَن ذا بِخاتَمهِ تَصَدَّقَ راكِعاً
فأثابه ذو العرشِ عنهُ وَلاءَ

11. O banner, Gabriel marched ahead of it
On foot, and the Prophet followed with prayer

١١. يا رايةُ جبريلُ سارَ أمامَها
قِدماً واتبعَها النبيُّ دعاءَ

12. God favored him through it, and His Messenger
And God made clear to him grace upon grace

١٢. اللهُ فضّله بها ورسولُه
واللهُ ظاهَرَ عندَهُ اللآلاءَ

13. Who was it was occupied with the Prophet's funeral
And saw in that comfort from the world

١٣. مَن ذا تَشاغل بالنبيِّ وغُسْلِه
ورأى عن الدنيا بذاكَ عَزاءَ

14. Who was the most learned and judicious of them
Who made the flock and the shepherds equal

١٤. مَن كان أعلمَهمْ واقضاهمْ ومن
جعلَ الرعيةَ والرُّعاةَ سواءَ

15. Who was the gateway to the city of knowledge
He who related the revelation and explicated the news

١٥. مَن كان بابَ مدينةِ العلمِ الذي
ذكرَ النُّزولَ وفسَّر الأَنباءَ

16. Who was the most eloquent and articulate speaker
Whose words cured even the vitiligo

١٦. مَن كان أخْطَبَهُم وأنْطَقَهُم ومن
قد كان يَشفي قولُه البُرَحاءَ

17. Who was the staunchest opponent of idolatry
In whose belly knowledge was a wrap

١٧. مَن كان أَنزعهم من الإشراكِ أو
للعلمِ كان البطنُ منه حَفاءَ

18. Whom were they commanded, if they differed,
To acquiesce to his judgment as binding

١٨. مَن ذا الذي أُمِروا إذا اختلفوا بأنْ
يَرضَوْا بهِ في أمرِهِمْ قَضَّاءَ

19. Whom did the Prophet send with a surah during Hajj
That would be decisive and binding

١٩. مَن كان أرسَله النبيُّ بسورةٍ
في الحجِّ كانت فَيْصَلاً وقضاءَ

20. To whom did Muhammad entrust
The execution of his will and last testament

٢٠. مَن ذا الذي أوصى إليه محمدٌ
يَقضي العِداتِ فانفذَ الإيصاءَ

21. Whom did the Prophet carry in kindness
His two sons till the valley's end

٢١. مَن ذا الذي حملَ النبيُّ برأفةٍ
ابنَيْهِ حتّى جاوزَ الغَمْضاءَ

22. Who said "What excellent riders are they!"
When that was not what had been concealed in him

٢٢. مَن قال نعَم الراكبانِ هما ولم
يكنِ الذي قد كانَ منه خفَاءَ

23. Who walked in a flash of lightning
When he left the Prophet at night

٢٣. مَن ذا مشى في لَمْعِ برقٍ ساطِعٍ
إذ راح من عندِ النبيِ عِشاءَ