1. For him whose marks are like tattoos that do not speak,
And ruins and traces like the adornment of a dictionary,
١. لِمَنْ طَللٌ كالوشمِ لم يَتَكلّمِ
ونُؤيٌ وآثارٌ كَتَرقيشِ مُعْجَمِ
2. Oh you who complain, for whom there is no harm or blame in Ali,
Leave me be with your blame or accusation.
٢. ألا أيّها العاني الذي ليس في الأذى
ولا اللومِ عندي في عليٍّ بمُحْجِمِ
3. I will come to you about Ali with words,
That will grieve you, so accept them early or delay.
٣. ستأتيك منّي في عليٍّ مقالةٌ
تَسؤُوك فاستأخِر لها أو تَقَدَّمِ
4. For me, Ali has over those who criticize him,
Support with the hand and mouth from the people.
٤. عليٌّ له عندي على من يَعيبُه
من الناسِ نصرٌ باليدينِ وبالفمِ
5. Whenever enmity for his fault is intended by me,
He will find a victor other than him, not muted.
٥. متى ما يُرد عندي مُعادية عَيبَه
يجدْ ناصِراً من دونِه غيرَ مُفْحَمِ
6. Ali is the most beloved of people to me except Muhammad,
So leave me be from your blame or accusation.
٦. عليٌّ أحبُّ الناسِ إلاّ محمداً
إليّ فدعني من مَلامِكَ أوْ لُمِ
Ali is the successor of Mustafa and his cousin,
٧. عليٌّ وصيُّ المصطفى وابنُ عمِّهِ
وأوّلُ من صلّى ووحّد فاعلمِ
8. And the first one to pray and profess His Oneness, so know.
Ali is the guiding Imam by whom,
٨. عليٌّ هو الهادي الإمامُ الذي به
أنار لنا من ديننا كلَّ مُظِلمِ
9. He illuminated for us every darkness of our religion.
Ali is the Master of the Basin, and the repeller,
٩. عليٌّ وليّ الحوضِ والذائدُ الذي
يُذَبِّبُ عن أرجائه كلَّ مُجرِمِ
10. Who will ward off every sinner from its environs.
Ali is the keeper of Hellfire. His words to it:
١٠. عليٌّ قيمُ النارِ من قَولهِ لها
ذَري ذا وهذا فاشربي منه واطعمِ
11. “Take this one and that one, so drink from him and feed.”
“Take with burning those who come to you from them,
١١. خذي بالشَّوى مّمن يُصيبك منهمُ
ولا تَقربي من كل حزِبي فَتَظلِمي
12. And do not draw near to every partisan so as not to wrong.”
Tomorrow Ali will be called and clothed by his Lord,
١٢. عليٌّ غداً يُدعى فيكسوهُ ربُّهُ
ويُدنيه حَقّاً من رفيقٍ مُكَرَّمِ
13. And be brought near, rightfully, to an honored companion.
So if you are, on the day He judges him, forcing him,
١٣. فإن كنت منه يومَ يُدينه راغماً
وتُبدي الرضا عنهُ من الآن فارغمِ
14. And showing acceptance of him from now, then force him.
For you will meet him standing at the Basin,
١٤. فإنّك تلقاه لدَى الحوضِ قائماً
مع المصطفى الهادي النبيِّ المعظَّمِ
15. With Al-Mustafa, the Guiding Prophet, the Revered.
They will permit those loyal to them in life,
١٥. يُجيزان من والاهما في حياتِه
إلى الرُّوحِ والظِّل الظليلِ المُكمَّمِ
16. To the soul, shade and shaded shelter.
Ali is the Commander of the Faithful, and his right
١٦. عليّ أميرُ المؤمنينَ وحقُّهُ
من اللهِ مفروضٌ على كلِّ مُسلمِ
17. From God is obligatory on every Muslim.
For the Messenger of God entrusted his right,
١٧. لأن رسول الله أوصى بحقِّهِ
وأشركه في كلّ فيءِ ومَغنَمِ
18. And made him partner in every spoils of war and booty.
And his wife is the Truthful, who had no match,
١٨. وزوجتُهُ صِدِّيقة لم يكن لها
مقارِنةٌ غيرُ البَتولةِ مريمِ
19. Other than the Virgin Mary.
And Aaron son of Imran was to him,
١٩. وكان كهارونَ بن عمرانَ عندَهُ
من المصطفى موسى النجيبِ المكلُّمِ
20. From Al-Mustafa, Moses the honorable speaker.
And on a day at Al-Ghadir he made obligatory his loyalty,
٢٠. وأوجَب يوماً بالغديرِ ولاءَه
على كلِّ بَرٍّ من فصيحٍ وأَعْجَمِ
21. Upon every eloquent and speech-impaired Arab.
At Khum's pond, taking his hand,
٢١. لدى دوحِ خُمٍّ آخذاً بيمينهِ
يُنادي مُبيناً باسمه لم يُجَمْجِمِ
22. Proclaiming clearly by his name, not vague:
“Now, by He who makes the corners of His House collapse,
٢٢. أما والذي يَهوي إلى ركنِ بيتهِ
بِشُعثُ النواصي كلُّ وجناءَ عَيْهَمِ
23. Disheveled forelocks and every unkempt drunkard.
They will come to the riders from every country,
٢٣. يُوافين بالرُّكبانِ من كلِّ بلدةٍ
لقد ضلَّ يومَ الدَّوْحِ من لم يُسلِّمِ
24. Surely, he has strayed on the Day of Al-Dawh, whoever does not submit.”
And he entrusted to him, when he turned over his affairs,
٢٤. وأَوصى إليه يومَ ولَّى بأمرِهِ
وميراثِ علمٍ من عُرى الدينِ مُحْكَمِ
25. The inheritance of immaculate knowledge from the tenets of religion.
So he did not stop fulfilling his debts and promises to him,
٢٥. فما زالَ يَقضي دَيْنَه وعِداتِه
ويدعو إليها مُسمِعاً كلَّ مَوْسِمِ
26. And calling to it, making every festival hear.
He says to the people of religion, welcome and greetings,
٢٦. يقول لأهلِ الدِّيْن أهلاً ومرحباً
مقالةَ لا مَنٍّ ولا مُتَجهِّمِ
27. Words of neither denial nor frown.
And he spreads it until he redeems a debt,
٢٧. ويَنشُرها حتى يخلِّصَ ذِمّةً
ببذلِ عطايا ذي ندىً مُتَقَسِّمِ
28. By giving pure gifts of a downpour.
So do not blame me for Ali, for love of him,
٢٨. فَمَهْ لا تَلمني في عليٍّ فإنّه
جَرى حبُّه ما بين جِلدي وأعظمي
29. Flows between my skin and bones.
And if you were not blind to him and his merits,
٢٩. ولو لم تكن أعمى به وبفضلِهِ
عذرتُ ولكن أنت عن فَضْلِهِ عَمي
30. I would apologize, but you are blind to his merit.
Is he not enough as goods for the profligate,
٣٠. أليسَ بِسُلْعٍ قَنَّع المسرفَ الذي
طَغى وبغى بالسيفِ فوق المُعَمَّمِ
31. Who tyrannized and wronged with the sword above the turbaned?
And Badr and Uhud, in them from his afflictions,
٣١. وبدرٌ وأُحدٌ فيهما من بلائِه
بلاءٌ بحمدِ اللهِ غيرُ مُذَمَّمِ
32. An affliction, by God's praise, not blemished.
And for God - Majestic is He - in the conquest of Khyber,
٣٢. وللهِ جلَّ اللهُ في فتحِ خيبرٍ
عليه ومنه نعمةٌ بعدَ أنعُمِ
33. For him and from him, a blessing after blessings.
He walked between Gabriel and Michael around him,
٣٣. مشى بين جبريلٍ وميكالَ حولَه
ملائكةٌ شبهَ الهِزَبرِ المُصَمَّمِ
34. Angels resembling studded swords.
So he deafened the ears of those who Judaized,
٣٤. فصمَّم آطامَ الذين تهوّدوا
بأرعنَ مّمن يَعبد اللهَ مْوحَمِ
35. With the vilest of those who worship God engraving.
So that the Lord of the Heavens may witness his struggle,
٣٥. لِيُشهدَهم ربُّ السماءِ جِهادَهُ
ويُعلِمَهم إقدامُه غيرَ مُحْجِمِ
36. And know his determination, not timid.
So they gave with their hands, young and humiliated,
٣٦. فأَعطَوْا بأيديهمْ صَغاراً وذِلّةً
وقالوا له نًَرضى بحكمِك فاحْكُمِ
37. And said to him, “We accept your judgement, so judge.”
“Oh my Lord, I did not intend by what
٣٧. فيا ربِّ إنّي لم أرد بالذي به
مدحتُ عليّاً غيرَ وجهكَ فارْحَمِ
38. I have praised Ali except Your Face, so have mercy.”
When the crawler of the earth comes out, it will not leave
٣٨. إذا خرجت دبّابةُ الأرضِ لم تَدعْ
عدوّاً له إلاّ خَطيماً بِمِعْصَمِ
39. Any enemy of his except split-eared and branded.
Whenever those not of his loyal friends see it,
٣٩. متى يَرها من ليسَ من أهل وُدِّهِ
من الإنسِ والجِن العفاريتِ يُخْطَمِ