1. Tell us about Harith al-A'war, whom
We believe in his words, whatever he narrates,
١. وحُدِّثَنا عن حارثِ الأَعورِ الذي
نُصدّقه في القولِ منه وما يَروي
2. That the Messenger of Allah, myself I sacrifice for him,
And my family and wealth, spent the night hungry under the Hisha,
٢. بأنّ رسولَ الله نفسي فِداؤه
وأهلي ومالي باتَ طوى الحشا يَطوي
3. Due to hunger that afflicted the Chosen One, so he went
To his noble wife, while people were heedless in negligence,
٣. لِجوعٍ أَصابَ المصطفى فاغتدى إلى
كَريمتهِ والناسُ لاهونَ في سهوِ
4. So he met her and the two sons of Ali and her husband,
Who were bowed down from the severity of hunger like ostriches.
٤. فصادَفَها وابني عليٍّ وبعلَها
وقد أطرقوا من شدّة الجوعِ كالنضوِ
5. So he said to her, "O Fatima, get up and bring
What I say, and he did not speak jestingly,
٥. فقال لها يا فَطمُ قومي تناولي
ولم يك فيما قالَ يَنطِقُ بالهزوِ
6. A gift from my Lord, He is Compassionate,
So she got up for what he said, hastening in her steps.
٦. هديَّةَ ربّي إنّه مُترحِّمٌ
فقامت إلى ما قال تُسرعُ في الخَطوِ
7. So she came to him, may Allah send blessings upon her, with a bowl
Filled with meat, portions over portions.
٧. فجاءت عليها اللهُ صلّى بجفنةٍ
مكوّمةٍ باللحمِ جُزواً على جُزوِ
8. So they named it and they all started eating,
My soul is sacrificed for them, and what I contain.
٨. فَسمّوا وظلّوا يَطعَمون جَميعُهم
فَبخبِخْ لهم نفسي الفداءُ وما أحوي
9. So he said to her, "That food is a gift
From Allah, Gabriel brought it swooping down to me.
٩. فقال لها ذاك الطعامُ هديّةٌ
من اللهِ جبريلٌ أتاني به يَهوي
10. And none has eaten from it except a messenger
Or successor, whom Allah singled out for purity."
١٠. ولم يكَ منه طاعِماً غيرُ مرسلٍ
وغيرُ وصيٍّ خصّه اللهُ بالصَّفوِ