1. I drank to the health of Sulaima and struck the lute,
While my gray-haired brother carped and found fault.
١. صبوتُ إلى سُليْمى والرَّبابِ
وما لأخي المشيبِ وللتصابي
2. Ah, many a fair and plump-cheeked lovely maid,
Seductive, buxom, and alluring.
٢. وربّ خريدةٍ ريّا رَداحٍ
خَدَلَّجةٍ بَرْهرَهةٍ كَعابِ
3. Voices inside the litter, as the band curved in its course,
Across a sand hill like kneaded dough.
٣. صموتِ الحَجِل تثنى المِرطَ منها
على كَفَلٍ كدِعصِ الرملِ رابي
4. Alone with her I did no evil deed,
Naught passed between us save upbraiding.
٤. خلوتُ بها فلم ألممْ بسوءِ
ولم يكُ بيننا غيرُ العتابِ
5. When youth wings away for a man, and age
Sprinkles him with hoariness like indigo,
٥. إذا ما المرء شابَ له قذالٌ
وعلَّله المواشطُ بالخضابِ
6. His mirth is gone and leads him to his doom,
So rise, my friend, to mourn the loss of youth.
٦. فقد ولّت بَشاشتُه وأودى
فقم يا صاحِ نَبكِ على الشبابِ
7. For vanished joys will nevermore return
To any man until the dying day,
٧. فليس بعائد ما فاتَ منه
إلى أحدٍ إلى يومِ المآبِ
8. The day when all men to their Maker wend
Ere the Reckoning, and without delay,
٨. إلى يوم يؤوبُ الناسُ فيه
إلى دنياهُم قبلَ الحسابِ
9. I avow 'tis even so in truth,
For I am not of them that doubt and stray.
٩. أدين بأنّ ذاك كذاكَ حقّاً
وما أنا بالنُّشورِ بذي ارتيابِ
10. Since God has told of men long turned to dust
Whom He re quickened after their decay,
١٠. لأن الله خبَّر عن رجالٍ
حيوا من بعدِ درسٍ بالترابِ
11. Yet foolish minds have doubted overmuch,
I said: "Forbear, until my answers sway."
١١. وأهوجَ نالَ جهلاً من عليٌّ
فقلتُ له رويدَك للجوابِ
12. Is he not rightly named of Quraish clan
The Exemplar, when his peers are named?
١٢. أليس بذي المكارمِ من قريشٍ
إذا عُدوا وفي الحَسَب اللُّبابِ
13. First into Islam, first of fighters he
In battle famed for blows that crush and slay.
١٣. وفي الإسلام أوَّلَ أوَّليهِ
وفي الهيجاءِ مشهورَ الضرابِ
14. At Badr first, next Uhud, then at Trench-side
Soon as dawn broke, thrust home without delay.
١٤. ببدرٍ ثم أُحْدٍ ثم سَلْعٍ
غداةَ غدا بأبيضَ غير نابِ
15. Against 'Amr ibn Abd, himself a Quraish,
Whose wiles had snared the allies in his sway.
١٥. إلى عمرٍو وعمرو من قريشٍ
تمكّن من ذُراها في النِّصابِ
16. Oh tribe of mine, O strangest happenings!
At Abu'l Husain's shoe, his stirrup-stay!
١٦. ألا يا قومِ للعَجَبِ العُجابِ
لِخُفِّ أبي الحسين وللحُبابِ
17. By foeman of mankind and jinn designed,
Far from the right directed gone astray,
١٧. عَدوٌّ من عُداةِ الجنِّ وغدٌ
بعيدُ في المَرادة من صوابِ
18. Designing in that shoe to set his jaws,
To tear the foot of him we must obey,
١٨. أتى خُفّاً له وانسابَ فيه
لنيهشَ رجلَه منه بنابِ
19. Of him we cry to, Succor in the dust!
Our Emir, Father of the Poor alway!
١٩. لينهشَ خيرَ من ركب المطايا
أميرَ المؤمنينَ أبا تُرابِ
20. Down from high heaven a vulture flew full swift,
Or somewhat in a vulture's form, men say,
٢٠. فَخَرَّ من السماء له عُقاب
من العُقبان أو شبهُ العُقابِ
21. And snatched the reptile up, then soaring high,
Clove through the clouds upon his airy way.
٢١. فطارَ به فحلّق ثم أهوى
به للأرضِ من دونِ السَّحابِ
22. Then dropped to earth, far from the mountain tops,
And his sheep smashed it with his hoof, they say.
٢٢. فصكّ بِخُفِّهِ وانسابَ منه
وولّى هارباً حَذَرَ الحِصابِ
23. Escaping to his den it crept within,
Deep in the burrow stealthily made its way.
٢٣. إلى جُحر له فانساب فيه
بعيدِ القعر لم يُرتَجْ ببابِ
24. Unsightly the aspect of the snarling brute,
Black as a dom-wood rafter turned with clay.
٢٤. كريهُ الوجهِ أسودُ ذو بصيصٍ
حديدُ النابِ أزرقُ ذو لُعابِ
25. Steel-fanged with flinty claws and blinking eyes,
Most like a pard, but spotted as they say.
٢٥. يَهِلّ له الجريءُ إذا رآه
حثيثُ الشّدِّ محذورُ الوِثابِ
26. At such a sight the craven-hearted flees,
But heroes peril and adventure stay.
٢٦. تأخرّ حَيْنُه ولقد رماه
فأخطأه بأحجارٍ صِلابِ
27. Too soon it left, though to his sorrow he cast
Stones sharp as knives, they say, to bar its way.
٢٧. ودوفع عن أبي حسنٍ عليٍّ
نقيعُ سِمامِه بعدَ انسيابِ