
The sun once turned back for him

علي عليه ردت الشمس مرة

1. The sun once turned back for him
In Taybah, on the day of revelation after sunset

١. عليّ عليه رُدتْ الشمسُ مَرَّةً
بِطَيْبَةَ يوم الوَحْيِ بعدَ مَغيبِ

2. And it turned back for him another time in Babylon after
It had set and its eye had dropped for the sunset

٢. ورُدّتْ له أُخرى ببابلَ بعدَما
عَفت وتدلّت عينُها لِغُروبِ

3. And he was told, "Warn your first clan
While they are in the prime of youth of forty and old age"

٣. وقيلَ له أنذرْ عشيرَتكَ الأُولى
وهم من شبابٍ أربعينَ وشِيبِ

4. So he said to them, "I am a messenger to you
And I am not seen among you as a liar

٤. فقال لهم إنّي رسولٌ إليكمُ
ولست أراني عندكم بِكذوبِ

5. And I have come to you from the Lord, the Guardian
Of abundant favors for the generous, and it is difficult

٥. وقد جئتكمُ من عندِ ربٍّ مهيمنٍ
جَزيلِ العَطايا للجزيلِ وَهُوبِ

6. So which of you will keep pace with my words? Listen carefully!"
Then he said, "Is there any speaker who will respond to me?"

٦. فأيُّكُم يَقفو مَقالي فأمْسِكوا
فقالَ ألا مِن ناطقٍ فَمُجِيبي

7. So Ali prevailed over them and led them
And that was not strange coming from him

٧. ففازَ بها منهم عليٌّ وسادَهُم
وما ذاكَ من عاداتهِ بغريبِ