
The people have abandoned us and betrayed us

لحانا الناس فيك وفندونا

1. The people have abandoned us and betrayed us
And sowed the seeds of enmity and conflict

١. لحانا الناسُ فيكَ وفَنّدونا
وبادونا العداوةَ والخِصاما

2. They said - and their words were very harsh -
Do you expect something that would face destruction?

٢. فقالوا والمقالُ لهمْ عريضٌ
أترجون أمراً لقيَ الحِماما

3. The neighbor stayed and people were consumed
By the calamities of fate like fearful beasts

٣. وظلّ مجاورِاً والناسُ أُكلّ
لِرَيْبِ الدهرِ أصداءً وَهاما

4. We remained steadfast, holding onto nothing
Except love for you, O son of Khawla, as our support

٤. فأعييناهمُ إلاّ امتِساكاً
بحبكَ يا بنَ خولةَ واعتِصاما

5. Our reply to them was - You are ignorant
And ruined, by He who created mankind

٥. فكانَ جوابُنا لهمُ جَهِلْتُم
وخبتمْ والذي خَلَق الأَناما

6. The neighbor has become the courtyards of Ridwa
Where angels come to speak with him

٦. لقد أمسى المجاورُ شِعبَ رَضوى
تُراجِعُه الملائكةُ الكَلاما

7. Greet the resident of the courtyards of Ridwa
And send peace unto his dwelling

٧. ألا حيِّ المقيمَ بشِعب رَضوى
وأهدِ له بمنزلِهِ السّلاما

8. Say, O son of the successor, I ransom you with my soul
You have stayed long on that mountain

٨. وقل يا ابنَ الوصيِّ فدتكَ نَفسي
أطلتَ بذلكَ الجَبَلِ المُقاما

9. They have harmed a group of us who follow you
And called you the Caliph and Imam

٩. أضرّ بمعشرٍ والوك مِنّا
وسمَّوكَ الخليفةَ والإماما

10. They have turned the people of the earth against you
You have stayed away from them for seventy years

١٠. وعادوا فيكَ أهلَ الأرضِ طُرّاً
مُقامك عنهمُ سَبعين عاما

11. There is now in the meadows of Ridwa
A just Imam who follows the Imams before him

١١. لقد أمسى بمورِقِ شِعب رَضوى
إمامٌ عادلٌ يَتلو إماما

12. The son of Khawla has not tasted death
No earth has covered his bones

١٢. وما ذاقَ ابنُ خولةَ طعمَ موتٍ
ولا وارَتْ له أرضٌ عِظاما

13. He has with him truthful companions
And noble spirits who speak to him

١٣. وإنَّ له به لمقيلَ صدقٍ
وأنديةً تُحدِّثُهُ كِراما

14. God has guided us when we followed a matter
In which lies perfection and completeness

١٤. هدانا الله إذ جُرتم لأمرٍ
بهِ وعليهِ نَلتمس التَّماما

15. The complete love of Al-Mahdi until
We see our flags flying orderly

١٥. تمامَ مودّةِ المهديِّ حتى
تَروا راياتِنا تَترى نِظاما

16. We see his black flags in Damascus
And between An-Naqah you'd think them obscurity

١٦. تَرى راياتِه بالشامِ سُوداً
وبين النَّقعِ تَحسبها قَتاما

17. He will destroy what the confederates have built
And his followers will face destruction from it

١٧. فيهدمُ ما بنى الأحزابُ فيه
ويَلقى أهلُه منه غَراما

18. A punishment for what they have done, and the tyrants will perish
And vengeance will be taken from them

١٨. جزاءً بالذي عَمِلوا وتَفنى
جبَابِرُهُم وتنتقِمُ انتقاما