
To the earliest community of his people

لأقدم أمته الأولين

1. To the earliest community of his people
He was a guide, and to one of them a birth

١. لأَقْدَمِ أمّتِه الأَولينَ
هُدىً ولأَحديِهمْ مَوْلِدا

2. The son of Amina called him Al-Mustafa
And he was the right-guided guide

٢. دعاهُ ابنُ آمنةَ المُصطفى
وكان رشيدَ الهُدى مُرْشِدا

3. Until he unified the Lord of the heavens
Exalted and Majestic is He, and worshipped

٣. إلى أن يُوحّدَ ربَّ السما
تعالى وجَلَّ وأن يَعْبُدا

4. So he responded when he called him to it
And unified Him as they had unified

٤. فلبّاه لما دَعاه إليهِ
ووحَّده مثلما وحّدا

5. And informed him that he was a messenger
So he said you spoke the truth and did not dispute

٥. وأخبره أنّه مُرْسَلٌ
فقالَ صدقتَ وما فنّدا

6. So he prayed the prayers and fasted the fasts
As a boy and met the tumult as a grown man

٦. فصلّى الصلاةَ وصامَ الصيامَ
غلاماً ووافى الوغى أمردا

7. So he did not see a day like his days
Nor a scene like his scene, a scene

٧. فلم يرى يوماً كأيّامِهِ
ولا مثلَ مشهدهِ مَشهدا