1. Blame me and rebuke me,
And say how much do you remember of the old poetry.
١. هبّ عليَّ بالملامِ والعَذَلْ
وقالَ كمْ تَذكرُ بالشعرِ الأُوَلْ
2. Stop evil, I said do not say,
And do not neglect, I stop the best deed.
٢. كُفَّ عن الشرِّ فقلتُ لا تقلْ
ولا تخلْ أكُفُّ عن خيرِ العملْ
3. I love Haydar the advisor,
For one who stood to protect, for one who refused.
٣. إنّي أحبُّ حَيدراً مناصحاً
لمن قَفا مواثباً لِمن نَكَلْ
4. I love one who believed in God, and did not
Associate anything with Him, for an instant or eternally.
٤. أحبُّ من آمن بالله ولم
يشرك به طُرفةَ عينٍ في الأزَلْ
5. And the one who went in the morning the soul of the chosen Prophet
Peace be upon him at the supplicant.
٥. ومن غَدا نفس الرسولِ المصطفى
صلّى عليه اللهُ عندَ المُبتهلْ
6. And the successor of the Prophet on the day of the sermon,
When God purified through him who was blemished.
٦. وثانيّ النبيِّ في يومِ الكِسا
إذ طهَّر اللهُ بهِ من اشتَمَلْ
7. And he said I left for you His book,
And my family, and both are heavy.
٧. وقالَ خلّفت لكم كتابهُ
وعِترَتي وكلُّ هذين ثِقَلْ
8. So I wonder how you will leave me
In this and that when I wanted to depart.
٨. فليتَ شعري كيف تَخلفونني
في ذا وذا إذا أردت المُرْتَحَلْ
9. And he came from Mecca and the pilgrims had
Accompanied him from every plain and mountain.
٩. وجاء من مكّةَ والحجيجُ قد
صاحبَهُ من كلِّ سَهلٍ وجَبَلْ
10. Until when he arrived at Khumm, Jibril came to him
With the announcement among them and descended.
١٠. حتى إذا صار بخُمِّ جاءَه
جبريلُ بالتبليغِ فيهم فنَزَلْ
11. And stand on that rise and stand on
A saddle and call out for Ali so he saddled.
١١. وقمّ ذاك الدوحَ فاستوى على
رَحْلٍ ونادى بعليٍّ فارتحلْ
12. And said, here among you is my successor,
And whoever is loyal to him in the entrusted matters.
١٢. وقال هنا فيكمُْ خَليفتي
ومن عليه في الأمورِ المتَّكَلْ
13. We are like these two, and I swear by a finger
From his palm to a finger that never parted.
١٣. نحن كهاتين وأوما بإصبعٍ
من كفِّهِ عن إصبعٍ لم تَنْفَصِلْ
14. Do not seek with purity a replacement for Ali,
For among you there is no equal for Ali.
١٤. لا تبتغوا بالطهرِ عنه بَدَلاً
فليس فيكم لعليٍّ من بَدَلْ
15. Then he turned his palm to his palm
Raising it from it to the highest position.
١٥. ثم أدارَ كفَّه لِكفِّه
يرفعُها منه إلى أعلى مَحلّ
16. And said pledge allegiance to him and surrender
The command to him and be safe from mistakes.
١٦. فقال بايعوا له وسلِّموا الأ
مرَ إليه واسلَموا من الزَلَلْ
17. Am I not your Master? So this is a Master for you,
And God is witness to this, Mighty and Majestic.
١٧. ألستُ مولاكم فذا مولىً لكم
واللهُ شاهدٌ بذا عزّ وجَلّ
18. O Lord, befriend whoever befriends Haydar,
And enemy of whoever is his enemy, and forsake whoever forsakes him.
١٨. يا ربِّ والِ من يوالي حَيدراً
وعادِ مَن عاداه واخذُلْ من خَذَلْ
19. O my witness I have conveyed what
Jibril revealed to me and did not change from it.
١٩. يا شاهدي بلّغتُ ما أنزلَهُ
إليَّ جبريلُ وعنه لم أحُلْ
20. So they pledged, congratulated, murmured,
With chests bent to him despite hatred.
٢٠. فبايَعوا وهنَّئوا وبَخْبَخوا
والصدرُ مطويٌّ له على دَغَلْ
21. So say to whoever resented what he saw,
And say to whoever turned away from him why did you turn away?
٢١. فقلْ لمن يَنقَمُ منه ما رأى
وقلْ لمن يعدلُ عنه لِمْ عَدَلْ