1. Your standing still among those illustrations
And asking an illustration studying foreign
١. سفه وقوفك بين تلك الأرسم
وسؤال رسم دارس مستعجم
2. O a lonely quarter after
You were to the visitors a populated season
٢. يا ربع مالكٍ موحشاً من بعدما
قد كنت للوفاد محشد موسم
3. Does every time I am overwhelmed in concealing the passion
A moan of regret overwhelmed you, you did not conceal
٣. أفكلما بالغت في كتم الهوى
غلبتك زفرة حسرة لم تكتم
4. Why did you not fulfill that you spent as fulfilled
The company of the son of Fatima in the month of Muharram
٤. هلا وفيت بأن قضيت كما وفي
صحب ابن فاطمة بشهر محرم
5. A people you see with their swords and palms
In the adversary and the intimate a very clear mark
٥. قوم ترى بسيوفهم وأكفهم
في الخصم والعافين أوضح ميسم
6. From every clarity of pottery for Hashim
Exaltedness is condoled and for overcoming ancestry is attributed
٦. من كل وضاح الفخار لهاشم
يعزى علا ولآل غالبٍ ينتمي
7. It takes habitats as an ornament and in its annihilation
Confidence in it about a sharp or a crusher
٧. تخذ المواضي حلية وبباسه
ثقة له عن صارم أو لهذم
8. They compete when they are called to an occurrence
So it is as if the sound of smashing eggs is a melodious sound
٨. يتسابقون إذا دعوا لكريهة
فكأن قرع البيض صوت منغم
9. And when they heard the scream they sprang up
Between a drawn sword or a cleaver
٩. وغذا سمعوا الصريخ تواثبوا
ما بين سافع مهره أو ملجم
10. A band that died of thirst and from their faith
Quenching the thirsty near the Alqami river
١٠. نفر قضوا عطشاً ومن إيمانهم
ري العطاش بجنب نهر علقمي
11. I grieve over those bodies that were divided
By the hands of hyenas and became arrows of arrows
١١. أسفي على تلك الجسوم تقسمت
بيد الظبا وغدت سهام الأسهم
12. The might of the son of the Prophet was revealed during the turmoil
That the mouth of the speaker cannot encompass
١٢. قد جل بأس ابن النبي لدى الوغى
عن أن يحيط به فم المتكلم
13. When he straightened their pillar with every corrective
And propped up their leaning with every erecting
١٣. إذا هد ركنهم بكل مهند
وأقام مائلهم بكل مقوم
14. Like the son of Fatima on the day of the crushing turmoil
And the intense between a flooding or a covering
١٤. من كابن فاطم يوم حاطمة الوغى
والشوس بين مطرسم أو محجم
15. He turns the enemies so they flee from him as if they are
Red foxes fleeing from the roar of the wolves
١٥. ينحو العدى فتفر عنه كأنهم
حمر تنافر من زئير الضيغم
16. And unsheathes a white in the commotion, mistaking it
For a dawn ice-covered under a dark night
١٦. ويسل أبيض في الهياج تخاله
صبحاً تبلج تحت ليل مظلم
17. And shakes out a brown in the struggle as if they are
A club brandished in the right hand of a crusher
١٧. ويهز أسمر في الكفاح كأنهم
صل تلوي في يمين غشمشم
18. And when the enemies were lined up, its horsemen
In every line with weapons compiled
١٨. وإذا العداة تنضدت فرسانها
في كل سطر بالأسنة معجم
19. And their mouths, so the edges of their blades heated up
Deleting with a correct line and determined
١٩. وأفاهم فحمى صحاف صفاحهم
مسحاً بخط مقوم ومصمم
20. They almost perished altogether had it not been for He
Who had written the decree on the Tablet
٢٠. قد كاد يفنى جمعهم لولا الذي
قد خط في لوح القضاء الحكم
21. Until, when the space was too narrow for his determination
He twisted it to the Resurrection without blemish
٢١. حتى إذا ضاق الفضاء بعزمه
ألوى به للحشر غير مذمم
22. An arrow thrown into your viscera, O son of Mustafa
An arrow with which the insides of the guides were thrown
٢٢. سهم رمى أحشاك يا ابن المصطفى
سهم به كبد الهدياة قد رمى
23. O soul, melt! O eyelids, ulcerate!
O eye, be generous! O our tears, flow!
٢٣. يا نفس ذوبي يا جفون تقرحي
يا عين جودي يا مدامعنا اسجمي
24. I do not forget Zainab while she invokes among them
"O people, there is no Muslim among your gathering!"
٢٤. لم أنس زينب وهي تدعو بينهم
يا قوم ما في جمعكم من مسلم
25. We are the daughters of Mustafa and his successor
And the nurtured of the sons of Hutaym and Zamzam
٢٥. إنا بنات المصطفى ووصيه
ومخدرات بني الحطيم وزمزم
26. No ravings of the enemies crossed my mind
Repelling me, nor passed in my suspicions
٢٦. ما دار في خلدي مجاذنة العدى
مني رداي ولا جرى بتوهمي
27. They disturbed orphans, they stirred up
With our tents the flames of the burning fire
٢٧. قد أزعجوا أيتاماً قد أججوا
بخيامنا لهب السعير المضرم