
Cups of flowers arranged

أكواب زهر قد تنظم

1. Cups of flowers arranged
Or chuckles of honored Arabs

١. أكواب زهر قد تنظم
أم خرد عرب تبسم

2. Or a garden breathed on
By the north wind on its bendings

٢. أم روضة هب الشمال
على خمائلها ونسم

3. Or well-ordered pearls of poetry
Whose regex its composer made Muslim

٣. أم نظم دره راق نظ
مه ابن بجدتها المسلم

4. Poetry that would please singers
Whose themes from it are arranged

٤. نظم تود الغانيات
ثغورها منه تنظم

5. Blessings on he who arranges poetry
Nicely and blessings on its arranger

٥. بوركت من نظم زهى
حسناً وبورك من منظم

6. And compositions in the shining stars
The flowers of eternal time are arranged

٦. وموشح في النجوم الز
زهر عمر الدهر تنجم

7. If the frail dead spoke
His secrets aloud he would speak

٧. لو كلم الميت الرميم
بسره جهراً تكلم

8. And with eloquence that if Pythons
Heard they would bow to it and submit

٨. وبلاغة لو شامها قس
س لدان لها وسلم

9. Where is the son of Aws and Al-Farazdaq
And Al-Muhalhil or the completer

٩. أين ابن اوس والفرز
دق والمهلهل أو متمم

10. O you whose marks the creation
Marks of his family perceive

١٠. يا من بسيماه الورى
سيماء أهليه توسم

11. I have sipped from your neighbor when
Every near one was unquenchably thirsty

١١. جرعت من جاراك لما
كل عند الجري علقم

12. So judge whom you wish to judge
For you are worthy to judge

١٢. فأحكم على من شئت فيه
فأنت أهل أن تحكم

13. For you are from a people with whom
The Lord of the Most High begins and ends

١٣. فلأنت من قوم بهم
رب العلى يبدي ويختم

14. If not for their existence the existence
Would not stand nor be set up

١٤. لولا وجودهم لما
قام الوجود وما تقوم

15. Through them the supplication of Adam
Was answered and the names were taught

١٥. بهم استجاب لآدم
دعواه والأسماء علم

16. And their light the angels bowed down
When it shone not to Adam

١٦. ونورهم سجد الملائك
حين اشرق لا لآدم

17. If not for them Noah would not
Have been saved in his ark and spared

١٧. لولاهم لم ينج نوح
في سفينته ويسلم

18. And by them the horses were turned
To cold when the fire was kindled

١٨. وعلى الخيل بهم أحال
النار برداً حين تضرم

19. And by their secret Moses the Interlocutor
To his Lord on the Mount spoke

١٩. وبسرهم موسى الكليم
لربه في الطور كلم

20. And through them the dead was revived
Jesus son of Mary invoking

٢٠. وبهم أعاد الميت حيا
داعياً عيسى بن مريم

21. And Jacob attained his wish
And was relieved of care and sorrow

٢١. وأنال يعقوب المنى
وأزال عنه الهم والغم

22. And through them Jonah transgressed
When he glorified the Merciful in the sea

٢٢. وبهم تجاذو النون
لما سبح الرحمن في اليم

23. Brilliant moons whose
Rising in the horizon of faith stars were lit

٢٣. أقمار تم أشرقت
منهم بأفق الدين أنجم

24. Like the sincere deed which in
Virtue he specially favored and with dew watered

٢٤. كالصالح الفعل الذي بال
فضل خص وبالندى عم

25. A lion whose frown
Would make the lions of evil smile

٢٥. أسد إذا ما عبست
أسد الشرى خوفاً تبسم

26. And the glorious who aspires
To his most high sovereignty the magnificent king

٢٦. ومعظم يعنو إلى
عليائه الملك المعظم

27. He surpassed men so one who lags
Behind his sublime is like one preceding

٢٧. فاق الأنام فمن تأخر
عن علاه كمن تقدم

28. He never refused throughout time
Except by his refusal he would be generous

٢٨. ما ضن يوماً عارض
إلا بعارضه تكرم

29. To him John the reserved aspires
And the youth Zayd son of Arqam

٢٩. يعنو له يحيى بن أكتم
والفتى زيد بن أرقم

30. I have subjugated other snouts than yours
They were not like yours subjugated

٣٠. أرغمت آنافاً بغيرك
لم تكن تاللَه ترغم

31. In the harmony of a necklace of gems
Its date the harmonious arranger

٣١. بنظام عقد فرائد
تأريخها العقد المنظم