1. For God, the order of Abd al-Bāqī
It is a thread in which is the adornment of necks
١. للَه در نظام عبد الباقي
هو سلك دره حلية الأعناق
2. The dumb, their minds speak through his speech
And the shy benefit from his excellence with a belt
٢. المخرس العشر العقول بنطقه
والمحتبي من فضله بنطاق
3. Possessor of righteous works, and is there anything besides
These in the abode of eternity that remains
٣. ذو الباقيات الصالحات وهل سوى
هاتيك في دار البقا من باقي
4. Charming minds with verses of order I did not find
Except listening to his chant was uplifting for me
٤. سحر العقول بآي نظمٍ لم أجد
إلا سماع نشيده لي راقي
5. Fulfilling, so I left the ink depicting his lines
In it is the blackness of penetrating sights
٥. وافي فخلت مداد رسم سطوره
فيه سواد نواظر الأحداق
6. And it has spread with its diffusion when folded
The secret of eloquence from it in the papers
٦. ولقد نشرت بنشره لما انطوى
سر البلاغة منه في الأوراق
7. It made the shining sun dispensable in delight
And its brilliance made the cupbearer's wine dispensable
٧. أغنى عن الشمس المنيرة بهجةً
وسناه أغنى عن مدام الساقي
8. Axis of the cycle of each unique pearl
Revealing the order of pearls in embrace
٨. قطب مدار طباق كل فريدةٍ
تجلو نظام الدر في إطباق
9. Its glories called to exalt his status
So you see the eminent around him in fervor
٩. نادت مفاخره برفع محله
فترى الفحول لديه في إطراق
10. Knowledge and manners and a cave of virtues
Like embers in pearls and dawn
١٠. علم وآداب وغر مناقب
كالشهب في اللألاء والإشراق
11. A creation sharing gentleness with the breeze
And so moral traits come to be
١١. خلق تشاطر والنسيم لطافة
وكذا تكون مكارم الأخلاق
12. With the rising moon in the sky as his companion
If the moon in the sky did not descend in annihilation
١٢. ذو طلعة بدر السماء قرينها
لو لم يشن بدر السما بمحاق
13. And illuminated in the world the brilliance of his integrity
In its Levant, Hejaz and Iraq
١٣. وأضاء في الدنيا سنا أعراقه
في شامها وحجازها وعراق
14. O you who in both worlds has complete
Which around people's necks are like necklaces
١٤. يا من له في العالمين سوابغٍ
هي في رقاب الناس كالأطواق
15. Settled in the quarter of virtue with an abode
And the rest cannot approach it in aspiration
١٥. متبوء ربع الفضيلة منزلاً
وسواه لا يدنوه باستطراق
16. Imaginations fell short of delineating him
In knowledge, in conception, and in reality
١٦. قصرت خطا الأوهام عن تحديده
في العلم في المفهوم والمصداق
17. His cheeks shone through the excellence of his discourse
Even the mute scholars occurred discord
١٧. هدرت شقاشقه بفضل خطابه
إن أخرس العلماء وقع شقاق
18. Thirst preceded the dew of his vast clouds
Without clamor and lightning
١٨. سبق السؤال ندى فسح سحابه
من غير أرعاد ولا إبراق
19. Singular with the honor of manners that purified
I was delighted by the musk scent in inhaling
١٩. متفرد بزكي أخلاق زكت
أزرت بنفح المسك في استنشاق
20. He surpassed people in ascent and even transcended
Those preceding, exhausting those lagging in pursuit
٢٠. فاق الورى طراً وقد فات الألى
سبقوا وأتعب من بقى بلحاق
21. May the delicacies of his abundant merit remain diffused
As long as sheets rustled upon sheets
٢١. دامت رقائق فضله منشورةً
ما غردت ورق على الأوراق