
If you wish to kill the envious deliberately

إن شئت قتل الحاسدين تعمدا

1. If you wish to kill the envious deliberately
Without punishment or fuel for your fire,

١. إِن شِئتَ قتلَ الحاسدينَ تَعَمُّداً
من غيرِ مادِيَةٍ عليكَ ولا قَوَد

2. Without poison or swords,
And without your Lord's punishment that spares no one,

٢. وبغيرِ سُمٍّ قاتلٍ وصوارمٍ
وعِقابِ رَبٍّ لَيسَ يَغفُلُ عن أَحَد

3. Exalt their envy right before their eyes,
And you will see them dead in spirit though living in body.

٣. عَظّم تُجاهُ عُيونِهم محسودَهم
فتراهُمُ مَوتى النُفُوسِ معَ الجَسَد

4. The metals may melt from the flames but
The envious melt from the heat of envy.

٤. ذَوبُ المعادنِ باللَظَى لكِنَّما
ذَوبُ الحَسُودِ بحرِّ نيرانِ الحَسَد

5. The breasts of the envious have a fire -
The fawn's heat in the Lion's mansion.

٥. لجوانحِ الحُسادِ حَرٌّ دُونَهُ
حَرُّ الغَزالةِ وهيَ في بُرجِ الأَسَد

6. Their hearts - either embers or flames -
Bearing firewood, blazing when lit.

٦. قلبٌ أو لَهبٍ لَهُم وحشاشةٌ
حَمَّالةُ الحَطَب العَفارِ إذا اتقَد

7. So their months are ever like the months of Nashir*
From the embers' glow within their hearts.

٧. فشُهُورهم ابداً كشَهرَي ناجرٍ
لِوَهجِ جمرٍ في فُؤادِهِم وَقَد

8. The envious do not live out their terms
For their mark is the death rattle.

٨. لم يَبلغِ الحُسَّادُ آجالاً لهم
إذ إنَّهم سيماهُمُ موتُ الكَمَد

9. The limit for adulterers in God's law lasts for a period,
Yet you see the envious blighted forever.

٩. حدُّ الزُناةِ من الشريعةِ مُدَّةً
وتَرَى الحسودَ بدائِهِ ابداً يُحَد

10. Whether alive or dead, he remains stingy and tortured,
Suffering in it for ever and ever.

١٠. مازالَ ان حيَّا وان ميتاً ضَنىً
متعذِّباً فيهِ إلى أَبَدِ الأَبَد

11. He has earned enmity in both states -
Whether he dealt with throngs or was solitary.

١١. أَمسَى على الحالَينِ مكتسبَ العَنا
إِن جامَلَ الجَمَّ الغفيرَ أو انفَرَد

12. He missed peace so he is forever warring
Throughout time, losing security altogether.

١٢. عَدِمَ السلامَ فلا يَزالُ مُحارَباً
طولَ الزَمانِ وللأمانِ فَقَد فَقَد

13. Their hallmark is either good occurred and
Their faces immediately darkened and shuddered.

١٣. سِيماهُ إِمَّا شامَ خيراً أَسقَطَت
في الحالِ سَحنَة وجهِهِ ثُمَّ ارتَعَد

14. Their ribs quivered, their hearts fluttered,
Their innards tore, and they cried for help.

١٤. رَجَفَت فرائصُهُ وأُخفق قلبُهُ
وتمزَّقَت أَحشاؤُهُ ودعا المَدَد

15. Their souls and blood were stirred up,
Their eyelids twitched over dead pupils.

١٥. وتحرَّكَت أَرواحُهُ ودِماؤُهُ
اضطرَبَت وغَصَّ الجَفنُ عن ملق جَمَد

16. An obdurate, incurable disease that defies
The healers' cure, as if it were the lions' disease.

١٦. داءٌ عُقامٌ لا شِفاءَ لهُ أَبَى
طِبَّ الأُساةِ كأَنَّهُ داءُ الأَسَد

17. It attacks those who approach unless they distance themselves,
So none escapes except those who pull back.

١٧. يُعدِي الذي يدنو إليهِ فلم يَفُز
بنَجاتِهِ إِلا الذي عنهُ ابتَعَد

18. A burden that rises above all prohibitions -
As vile as blindness rising above the pupil.

١٨. وزرٌ غدا يعلو المَناهِيَ كُلَّها
شَيناً كما أَنَّ العَمَى يعلو الرَمَد

19. It destroyed Cain, Saul, Doeg*, and Abiram -
The fierce adversary.

١٩. أَردَى بقابيلٍ وشاولٍ ودا
ثانٍ وآبيرومَ ذا الخَصمُ الأَلَد

20. Were it not for this, the angels would not have slipped
And been thrown down from the heavens' spheres.

٢٠. لولاهُ ما حُطَّ الملائِكُ وأَنهَوَوا
نحوَ الاسافِلِ من سَماواتِ الجَلَد

21. And Adam would not have parted from Paradise humbled
To dwell on an earth whose surface is but misery.

٢١. ونأَى عنِ الفِردَوسِ آدَمُ صاغِراً
وثَوى بارضٍ حلَّ ساحتَها النَكَد

22. And God would not have ordained for Eve
Sorrow and anguish in order to give birth.

٢٢. وقُضِي على حوّاءَ من ربِّ العُلى
بالغمِّ والأوجاع أن تَلِدَ الوَلَد

23. Were it not for this, Joseph the noble freeman would not
Have been sold by the brothers who were his kin.

٢٣. لولاهُ لم يُبتَع من الأَسباطِ يُو
سُفُ ذلكَ الحُرُّ الأديمِ أَباً وجَد

24. Were it not for this, Jesus would not have been crucified
As a criminal - from the evil of a people who disbelieved their Lord.

٢٤. لولاهُ لم يُصلبَ يَسُوعُ كمجرمٍ
من شرِّ شعبٍ خيرَ مولاهُ جَحَد

25. A group strayed deliberately from the path of guidance
So the chances of affection were lost, never to be regained.

٢٥. ضلَّت عن الحبِّ الرشيدِ تَعَمُّداً
فِئَةٌ على نَهج الهُدَى لم تُستَقَد

26. I lament for the envious because they have taken
The wayward, ruinous road of perdition.

٢٦. ولَرُبَّما رُدَّ الفَواتُ وإنما
فُرَصُ المحبَّة فائتٌ لا يُستَرَد

27. They learned of a sea with no shore,
So they drowned when its waters raged.

٢٧. إِنِّي لأَرثي الحاسدينَ لِأَنَّهم
سلكوا مفاوزَ مَهمهِ الوَعثِ الجَدَد

28. They balked at the good bestowed upon
The one they envied, even if he were most deserving of intimacy.

٢٨. علموا بحرٍ ما لهُ من ساحلٍ
فطغى عليهم ماؤُهُ لما زبد

29. They never ceased their ferocious enmity
Even when they were given war without bounds.

٢٩. أَنِفوا من الخيرِ الذي يَحظَى بهِ
محسودُهم لو أَنَّه كُفؤُ الأَوَد

30. My God, my Lord - it is a struggle without
End or number, past, present or to come.

٣٠. لم يبرحوا وحَشاهمُ شَوط الوَغَى
فيهِ لما قد ضُمِّنوا حربٌ لَدَد

31. A battle embedded in the soul with clamor
That veiled the light of reason however long it lasted.

٣١. اللَه ربي من نِضالٍ ما لهُ
لَجَبٌ ولا عَدَدٌ يليهِ ولا عُدَد

32. Its bombs exploded, stirring sediment that
Extinguished the signal fires of God's blessings.

٣٢. حربٌ لها ضِمنَ النفوسِ عَجاجةٌ
حجبت ضِياءَ العقل ما طالَ الأَمَد

33. Had these been physical, I would beware,
But they are spiritual, beyond reproach.

٣٣. خَبَّت قنابلها أثارت عِثيَراً
أَخبَت مشاهبَ أَنعُمِ اللَهِ الأَحَد

34. So the sword may bend, but the sword of this
Disease does not bend - its limit is none in time.

٣٤. لو أَنَّها ماديَّةٌ لَحَذِرتُها
لكِنَّها رُوحيَّةٌ لا تُنتَقَد

35. And horses may trip, but the resolve of this one
Has never tripped nor ceased to saunter feebly.

٣٥. فالسيفُ قد ينبو ولكن سيفُ هذا
الداءِ لا ينبو لهُ في الدهرِ حَد

36. And the flint may wane at times, but the
Fiery rancor - its flint has never chilled.

٣٦. والخيلُ قد تكبو ولكن عزمُ ذا
لم يكبُ قطُّ ولم يَزَل يمشي نَهَد

37. The sincere one slept, feeling safe forever,
While the envious one's eye has never slept.

٣٧. والزَندُ يخبو تارةً لكنّما ال
حَسَدُ الوريُّ لهُ زِنادٌ ما صَلَد

38. So turn aside, O youth, from an envious one's advice
Even if he professes sincere advice and strives hard,

٣٨. رَقَدَ الخليُّ من الضغينةِ آمناً
ابداً وللحُسَّاد طَرفٌ ما رَقَد

39. Pay it no heed, it being foam even if it looks like foam*
For it clots and amounts to naught.

٣٩. فالغِ النصيحةِ يا فَتَى من حاسدٍ
وَلَوَ أنَّهُ مَحَضَ النصيحةَ واجتهَد

40. My priesthood has weeded out the envious for me -
I have spurned him and my arrows of judgment held back nothing.

٤٠. وتَنَكَّبَنها غيرَ مكترثٍ بها
إذ إِنَّها زُبدٌ وان خِيلَت زَبَد

41. So I saw in him the traits of gossip, spite,
Scandal, gloating, and vileness.

٤١. قد قَرطَسَت مني الكِهانةُ حاسداً
اغرضتُهُ وسِهامُ ظنِّي ما صَرَد

42. He breathes heavy sighs of hatred that do not stop,
Nor diminish or vanish, ever ascending.

٤٢. فرأَيتُ سِيماهُ النميمةَ والضغينةَ
والوِشايةَ والشَماتةَ والحَرَد

43. Mandating retaliation against him while alive
And dead for his shameful misdeed.

٤٣. يتنفَّسُ الصُعَداءَ من وَغرٍ بهِ
لا ينتهي عنهُ ولا بَرقَى صَعَد

44. *Nashir: Name of a month in the pre-Islamic calendar during which it was forbidden to wage wars.
*Doeg: Envious Israelite chief who betrayed David for Saul's favor - see 1 Samuel 21-22

٤٤. مستلزماً في ذاتهِ لقِصاصهِ
حيّاً وميتاً عن جريرتهِ الوَبَد