
And no name can dispel grief and banish it from the plains

وما اسم يعم الحزن والسهل طرده

1. And no name can dispel grief and banish it from the plains,
Though in his heart he finds the eating of beasts palatable,

١. وما اسمٌ يعمُّ الحَزنَ والسَهلَ طَردُهُ
وفي قلبهِ قد ساغَ اكلُ البهائِمِ

2. And his misspelling is a protected refuge and an untouched maiden,
And his pages conceal the nakedness of man,

٢. وتصحيفُهُ مَثوىً وبِكرٌ مصونةٌ
وأَوراقُهُ تستيرُ عورة آدمِ

3. And circumstance of place, though odious because
His nature is separation, a binding blow.

٣. وظرفُ مكانٍ والبغيض لأَنَّهُ
سجيَّتُهُ التفريقُ ضربةُ لازمِ