
The face of time has now become smiling,

ثغر الزمان لقد غدا متبسما

1. The face of time has now become smiling,
And the fragrance of safety has begun to waft.

١. ثغرُ الزمانِ لقد غدا متبسِّما
وشذا الأَمانِ لقد بدا متنسِّما

2. The horizons have given birth to nights,
And the universe was once intensely dark.

٢. وانجابت الاغساقُ من آفاقها
يوماً وكان الكون اربدَ مُقتِما

3. The hand of wishes has covered the darkness when,
It tore the gown of doubt due to what it imagined.

٣. ويدُ الأَماني كفَّت الإِظلامَ اذ
صدعت رداءَ الشكّ مما أَوهَما

4. About the master, the patron of mankind,
The star of nobles whose stars have shone.

٤. بالسيّد المولى المفدَّى بالوَرَى
نَجمِ الكِرام أَضا سناهُ الأَنجُما

5. I mean by him the pure, honorable one,
Who reached the highest summit, patron of patrons, intrepid.

٥. اعني بهِ النَدُسَ الكريمَ المعتلي
اوجَ العُلَى مولى الموالي مُلحِما

6. Valiant when events of war were told,
His spear quenched thirst in the thick of battle.

٦. شهمٌ اذا ما حاك بُردَ ملاحمٍ
اسدى قَناهُ في الكُماة والحما

7. A hero, when others fled, not lagging behind,
And when others attacked, not advancing.

٧. بَطَلٌ اذا ما فرَّ لا متأَخَّراً
عنهُ وامَّا كرَّ لا مُتَقدَّما

8. When he loved, he was a cloud when it intended rain,
And when he was kind, he was a twittering pigeon.

٨. واذا حبا كان الغمامُ اذا همى
واذا سطا كان الحُمامَ الضيغما

9. Thus the delegations pledged allegiance to him
For through him they attained honor, aloftness and generosity.

٩. فلذاك أَمَّتهُ الوُفودُ لانهم
نالوا بهِ عِزّاً سَمَا وتكرُّما

10. The nearest of kin approached him for their kinship
To be near him, occupying the greatest position.

١٠. ادنى ذوي القُربَى اليهِ لكونهم
في قربهِ حلُّوا محلاً اعظما

11. And family ties - when cemented
With love - became greater and more solemn.

١١. وتواصلُ الأَرحام اما اوصلت
بالوُدّ جلَّت عظمةً وتعظُّما

12. Thus when he strengthens the ties between them,
The efforts of mischief-makers will not succeed.

١٢. ولذا اذا جَزَمَ التواصلَ بينهم
سعيُ الوُشاةِ فانها لن تُجزَما

13. How many slanderers enticed with their evil talk
Until they turned peace into bloodshed!

١٣. كم عاذلٍ أَغرَى بسُوءِ مَقالهِ
حتى احالَ السِلمَ سفكاً للدِما

14. And how many enemies pretended intimacy in what
They did while hiding their intentions!

١٤. ولكم عدوٍّ خِيلَ خِلّاً صادقاً
اذ كانَ فيما قد اتى متكتِّما

15. And how many true, loyal friends were ruined
By suspicions, which was just speculation.

١٥. ولكم صديقٍ صادقٍ أَودَى بهِ
رَجمُ الظُنونِ وكانَ ذاك توهُّما

16. And how many a youth abandoned his friend, his enemy,
While he was the friend, and has always been thus!

١٦. ولكم فَتىً خال الصديقَ عدوَّهُ
وهُوَ الصديقُ ولم يزل ابداً كما

17. And how many deceivers came in the guise of an advisor
While their trickery kindled the fire of hatred!

١٧. ومُخادِعٍ وافَى بصُورة ناصحٍ
وبخترهِ جمرَ العَداوةِ أَضرَما

18. Indeed the stranger, even if he curries favor in the land
Is still distant, even if he comes near and advances.

١٨. ان الغريبَ وان تقرَّب بالدَها
فهوَ البعيدُ وان دنا وتقدَّما

19. And the winds of fate have categorically foretold
That it will always protect him and his family.

١٩. وحُؤُول هذا الدهر نَبَّأَ جازماً
ان لا يزال بآلهِ مستعصما

20. Whoever was tested by your affection did not belong
Among those counted as enemies and litigants.

٢٠. مَن كانَ مختبراً بوِدِّكَ لم يكن
ممَّن يُعَدُّ من العِدَى مستخصما

21. And preventing decay before it happens
Is more appropriate for one who wants it not to be lost.

٢١. وتلافيُ الاغراس قبلَ تلافها
أَحرى بمن يبغي بان لا تعدما

22. And if care is prolonged, it will melt away
And will not wither even if the skies intend otherwise.

٢٢. واذا تَمادى الإِعتناءُ فانها
تذوي وما تخضلُّ لو هَمَتِ السَما

23. Do I seek refuge with you due to the kinship
Of affection through which your honor included me?

٢٣. أَتَعافُ معتزياً اليك بنسبةِ ال
وِدِّ الذي فيهِ لعزَّتك انتمي

24. Pour balm on the deep wounds
And pounce when the enemy attacked and tied the knot.

٢٤. أَرفِد جِراحاً بالقُلوبِ ثخينةً
وانقُض لما أَسَّ العَدُوُّ وأَبرَما

25. Extract the rancor from hearts with pure drink
By which what was dark before is illuminated.

٢٥. واستَلَّ أَضغانَ القلوب بصفوةٍ
يُجلَى بها ما كانَ قبلاً مُظلِما

26. Since your opinion for the misguided opinion
Is a healing medicine, and a salve for every wound.

٢٦. اذ كانَ رأيُكَ للسقيم الرأي
طِباً شافياً ولكل جُرحٍ مرهما

27. Mend the cracks of the ignorant with wisdom,
O wisest of rulers in that which you ruled.

٢٧. وارأَب صُدوعَ الجاهلينَ بحكمةٍ
يا احكمَ الحُكَّامِ فيما احكما

28. Until ignorance is replaced with knowledge
And one day thirst with satiation.

٢٨. حتى يُبدَّلُ بالوَلا ذاكَ القِلَى
ويُعاضَ يوماً بالروى ذاك الظما

29. For forgiveness is the mark of nobles, and indeed
Whoever precedes in it is the most noble.

٢٩. فالصفحُ من شِيمَ الكِرامِ وانما
مَن كان أَسبَقَ فيهِ كانَ الأَكرَما

30. And if you return to consent, you make
Every bitterness before it sweet and mellow.

٣٠. واذا رَجَعتَ إلى الرِضَى فتحيل حُلواً
كلَّ ما قد كان مُرّاً علقما

31. Indeed, every enormity becomes trivial to the great
When it is exposed and its sin will not become grave.

٣١. ان العظيم تهونُ كل عظيمةٍ
جُلَّى لديهِ وجِرمُها لن يَعظُما

32. So be safe and remain lofty, protected
By the shadows of glory that remain suspended.

٣٢. فاسلم ودُم عالي الجناب ممنَّعاً
بظِلالِ عِزٍّ لا يزالُ مخيِّما

33. Your noble traits will always be accompanied
By a pleasant, delighted and delightful life.

٣٣. تُولَى معارفُكَ العوارفَ دائماً
بنضيرِ عيشٍ مُنعِماً ومُنَعَّما