
Indeed, gray hair has made speech eloquent, summarized it

لقد أفصح الشيب المقول ولخصا

1. Indeed, gray hair has made speech eloquent, summarized it
And made it universal to all people, specifying it

١. لَقَد أَفصحَ الشيبُ المَقُولَ ولَخَّصا
وعَمَّ بهِ كلَّ الانامِ وخصَّصا

2. And warned us with the warning of the best advisor
When he presented good advice purely and sincerely

٢. وأَنذَرَنا إِنذارَ افضلِ ناصحٍ
إذا مَحَضَ النُصحَ الجميلَ وأَخلَصا

3. So honor through it an intimate, loyal and preaching friend
Pious, pure, truthful in speech, sincere

٣. فأَكرِم بهِ خِلاً وفياً وواعظاً
تقياً نقياً صادقَ القولِ مُخلِصا

4. So here is my graying and aging summarizing
The knowledge of rhetoric tomorrow explaining and summarizing

٤. فذا هَرَمي والشيبُ كلٌّ عن الرَدى
غدا شارحاً علمَ البيانِ مُلخِّصا

5. By your life, when my hair whitened and my parting
I listened to a special, specified meaning

٥. لَعَمرُكَ لمَّا ابيضَّ فَودي ومَفرِقي
صَغَوتُ لمعنىً خُصَّ فيهِ ونُصِّصا

6. And no meaning of misguidance was obscured to me
Though before its meaning had been blind to me

٦. وما اعتاضَ من مَعنى الغَوايةِ بانَ لي
وقد كانَ عني قبلَ معناهُ أَعوَصا

7. Sleepers, awake! Life is but fleeting
And do not feel safe from a thief who has become emboldened

٧. أَنُوَّامُ هُبُّوا إنما العُمرُ ذاهبٌ
ولا تأمنَوا من سارقٍ قد تلصَّصا

8. Do you seek longevity from this time?
Yet lo, the shadow of life for you has diminished

٨. أَتبغُونَ من هذا الزمانِ تطاوُلاً
وها إِن ظِلَّ العُمرِ منكم تقلَّصا

9. The passage of time has revealed to you its hidden secret
And displayed clearly the darkness of truth, articulating and enunciating

٩. ابانَ لكم صَرفُ الزمانِ خفيَّهُ
وأَبدى اكتِتامِ الحقّ جهراً وحصحصا

10. Blessed is one who has obeyed its sermons
And woe to an ignorant man who has disobeyed its command

١٠. فطُوبى لمَرءٍ قد أطاعَ عِظاتِهِ
وأُفٍّ لغرٍّ جاهلٍ امرَهُ عَصى

11. Life's prime has been marred by worries and sorrows
So life was not sweet for a man until it became bitter

١١. لَقَد شِيبَ صفوُ العيشِ بالهَمِّ والقَذى
فما طابَ عيشُ المرءِ حتَّى تَنغَّصا

12. The drink of pleasure was never palatable to any drinker
Until after that it was spoiled

١٢. ولا ساغَ وِردُ الزَهوِ يوماً لواردٍ
منَ الناسِ الا إِثرَ ذاكَ تغصَّصا

13. Do you dance, slaughtered by the dagger of passion?
What a bird you are, for whom slaughter is but dancing

١٣. أَترقُصُ مذبوحاً بمُديةِ شهوةٍ
فيا لَكَ من طيرٍ لهُ الذَبحُ أَرقَصا

14. O ignorant one, who has wasted a precious fate
You have squandered a precious destiny cheaply

١٤. فيا جاهلاً قَدرَ الذي انتَ باذلٌ
لقد جِئتَ بالقَدرِ الثمينِ مُرخَّصا

15. Do you know the price of that which you have sold
To be ignorant of a cunning ploy and make cheap

١٥. أَتَعلمُ أَثمانَ الذي أَنتَ بائعٌ
لتُغليَ عن عِلمٍ اكيدٍ وتُرخِّصا

16. You have sold hope for despair and light for darkness
And equated the sublime with the lowly and jewels with pebbles

١٦. أَبَعتَ الرَجا باليأسِ والنُورَ بالدُجى
وقِضتَ السَما بالأرضِ والدُرَّ بالحَصى

17. You have increased until there is no increase over what
You have diminished in weight, though it was not already insufficient

١٧. لقد زِدتَ حتى لا مَزِيدَ على الذي
تناقصتَ في وزنٍ ولا كانَ أَنقَصا

18. The world extends to you its deceptive snares
With pleasures that have become constricting for you

١٨. تَمُدُّ لك الدنيا شِباكَ خِداعِها
بلَذَّاتها اللاتي غدت لك مَقنِصا

19. By your life, the greedy one continues to incite
Love of the deceitful world, avaricious

١٩. لَعَمرُكَ ما زالَ الطَماعُ محرِّضاً
على حُبِّ ذي الدنيا الغَرُور محَرِّصا

20. Man must inevitably descend into the earth
Even if he ascended above the stars toe-tip

٢٠. ولا بُدَّ للإِنسان أَن يَنزِلَ الثَرَى
ولو أَن عَلا فوقَ الكواكبِ أَخمَصا

21. And he who divorces the world completely, its hated love
Will not cease to lurk for him

٢١. ومن طَلَّقَ الدُنيا بَتاتاً فلا يَذَر
بهِ حُبُّها الممقوتُ أَن يَتَربَّصا

22. He who is not tested by the tribulation of an affliction
Will not be saved, and from its harms not escape

٢٢. ومَن لم تروبصهُ إِرَاثُ بليَّةٍ
يصابرُها لم يُلفَ ممَّن تروبصا

23. When a man is cleansed of the leprosy of sin
That is the most pure, even if he was a leper

٢٣. ومَن لم يَلِج نارَ التجارِبِ لم يَكُن
خِلاصاً ومن أوضارِهِ ما تخلَّصا

24. He who discards the garb of his transgressions is successful
And dresses in the robe of a penitent, repentant

٢٤. إذا ما تنَّقى المرءُ من بَرَصِ الخطا
فذاكَ هُوَ الأَنقى وان كانَ أَبرَصا

25. I have seen from the days what has frightened me
And awakened the senses of my mind, making them vigilant

٢٥. لقد فازَ مَن انضى ثِيابَ خَطائِهِ
وفي ثوبِ ثوبٍ يلمقيٍّ تقمَّصا

26. I have abstained from the deception of a time that made me
Stingy through its stinginess, and praise be to God, most stingy

٢٦. رايتُ من الايام ما قد أراعني
وأَعشى لَحاظَ العقلِ مني وشوَّصا

27. I spent therein fifty-five years
With abundant sins, increasing in number, countless

٢٧. تخاوصتُ عن تخويصِ دهرٍ اصارَني
بخَوصائِهِ والحمدُ لِلّهِ أَخوَصا

28. I disdained my life after it sapped my strength
My gray hair, in which I needed a cane to walk

٢٨. قضيتُ بهِ خمساً وخمسينَ حِجَّةً
بإِكثارِ ذنبٍ زادَ عَدّاً فما انحَصَى

29. So God decreed I face judgment
With the fairest judgment, either destroying or saving

٢٩. أَنِفتُ حياتي بعدَ ما ابتزَّ قُوَّتي
مشيبي وفيهِ احتجتُ في المشي للعَصا

30. So there is no refuge but in Him who is my goal
For I do not see in other than Him a savior for me

٣٠. فعن كَثَبٍ القى الاله مُحاكَماً
باحكم عدلٍ مُهلَكاً او مُخلَّصا

٣١. فلا غَوذ الا بالذي هُوَ غايتي
فلستُ أَرى في غيرهِ ليَ مَخلَصا