
Do not speak much, for most of the talking

لا تكثرن من الكلام فإنما

1. Do not speak much, for most of the talking
Is the outcome of self-admiration.

١. لا تُكثِرَنَّ من الكلامِ فإِنَّما
هَذرُ الكلامِ نتيجةُ الإِعجاب

2. And if you are compelled, then answer questions
Negatively, with no and yes for confirmation.

٢. وإذا اضطُرِرتَ فجاوبَنَّ مُسائِلاً
سلباً بلا ونَعَم فللإِيجابِ

3. Pilate the Pontius was confounded in his mind
By the silence of Christ without a reply.

٣. بيلاطسُ البنطيُّ أَذهَلَ لُبَّهُ
صمتُ المسيح بغير رَدِّ جوابِ

4. But when Peter spoke a word
He began to wipe his tears like a cloud.

٤. لكِنَّ بِطرُسَ إذ تكلَّمَ كلمةً
أضحى يَسُحُّ الدمعَ مثلَ سحابِ