
O you who submits to desire, why don't you graze with one

يا خاضعا للهوى هلا ارعويت بمن

1. O you who submits to desire, why don't you graze with one
Whose wild donkeys are obedient to him in service

١. يا خاضعاً للهَوَى هلَّا ارعويتَ بمَن
دانت لديهِ حميرُ الوحش في الخَدَم

2. Who sits atop the ground while from him
Tears of sorrow pour forth like dripping water

٢. وقد غدا جاثماً فوق الثَرَى ولهُ
من التأسُّف دمعٌ فاضَ كالدِيمَ

3. O ignorant one, his knowledge brought ruin to his health
You wronged yourself if you were excessive in blames

٣. يا جاهلاً عِلمهُ أَودى بصِحَّتهِ
ظلمتَ ذاتَكَ اذا فرطتَ في اللَمَمِ

4. Miserable is the commitment to an act whose committer
Remains in his body necessitating sickness

٤. فبِئسَ لازمُ فعلٍ ان مُلزِمَهُ
ما زالَ في جِسمهِ مستلزمَ السَقَمِ

5. This infatuation which threw you into abjectness
You became from it, slender of body like a reed

٥. هذا الوُلوعُ الذي القاك في دَنَفٍ
غدوتَ منهُ نحيفَ الجِسم كالجَلَمِ

6. You imagine with it, the harm of a scholar is averted
Yet it is that which can strengthen a boy's lust

٦. تَخالُ ان بهِ تُكفَى أَذَى عَلَمٍ
وَهوَ الذي قد يقوّي شهوةَ الغَلَمِ

7. Shame on an evil habit, seldom did its migrant flee
By it the mobilizer is necessitated to the necessitous

٧. أُفٍّ لعادةِ سُوءٍ قلَّ هاجرُها
بها المحرّكُ ملزومٌ لملتزمِ

8. Woe to you, dependent on the palm, trembling
Oh, if only that palm which belongs to you were paralyzed

٨. ايهٍ امستمنياً بالكفّ مرتعشاً
يا ليتَ بالشلّ ذاكَ الكفُّ منكَ رُمِي

9. This is the sin of David which became famous
Transgression and murder but without bloodshed

٩. هذه خطيةُ داودَ التي اشتهرَت
فِسقٌ وقتلٌ ولكن دُونَ سفكِ دمِ