1. A fixed, resolute proposal that cannot be deflected
And the decree of my Lord, it cannot be altered
١. خَطبٌ مريعٌ ثابتٌ لا يُصرَفُ
وقَضاءُ ربِّ فَهوَ لا يتصرَّفُ
2. And calamities in each limb, each has
An arrow, numbness, chronic and learned
٢. ومصائبٌ في كل جارحةٍ لها
سهمٌ وعَضبٌ باترٌ ومُثقَّفُ
3. An ordeal that clad my body in illness and denied
The recognition of my persona, so it cannot be recognized
٣. مِحَنٌ كَسَت جِسمي السَقامَ ونكَّرَت
تعريفَ شخصي فَهوَ لا يتعرَّفُ
4. The days poured for me cups of sorrow
So its taste turned bitter and the cup-bearer
٤. جَدَحَت ليَ الأَيَّامُ كاساتِ الأَسى
فاساءَ طَعماً وِردُها والمَرشَفُ
5. And misfortunes targeted me but I have not ceased
For long to be their target and be aimed
٥. واستهدَفَتني النائباتُ فلم أَزَل
طولَ المَدى لِسهامِها أَستهدفُ
6. And I became, due to the tyranny of misery, regretful
Regret over regret and the like regrets
٦. وغَدَوتُ من جُورِ الرَدى متأسّفاً
أَسَفاً على أَسَفٍ ومثلي يأَسَفُ
7. I grieve, and I have no one among my companions made happy
And I lament but there is none to give relief
٧. أَنعى ومالي بينَ صَحبي مُسعِدٌ
وأَنُوحُ لكن ليسَ يوجدُ مسعِفُ
8. I cry and my tears are blood, for I am the one
Who, among the humans, sheds tears from my eyes
٨. ابكي وعَبراتي دَمٌ فانا الذي
بينَ البريَّةِ من عُيوني أَرعَفُ
9. So the eye has softened and my tears have run
For my inner pain made my cloven heart melt
٩. فالعينُ قد رقَّت وراقت أَدمُعي
اذرقَّ من أَلَمي فُؤادي المُتلَفُ
10. A secret has slept in my bosom and spoke of what happened
A tear that now flows and does not stop
١٠. قد نَمَّ في سِرّي وباحَ بما جَرى
دمعٌ غدا يجري ولا يتوقَّفُ
11. My heart clung to a burning fire, as
My eyelids clung to pouring tears
١١. لَزِمَت فُؤادي نارٌ إحراقي كما
قد لازمت مُقَلي الدُموعُ الذُرَّفُ
12. To God belongs a liver in which the embers of wrath
Kindle, and a moment its flowing does not dry
١٢. لِلّهِ من كَبدٍ بها جمرُ الغَضى
يذكو ولحظٍ جريهُ لا يَنشَفُ
13. A liver that bears anguish, if an infidel
Tasted it, he would bend to show sympathy
١٣. كَبِدٌ تكَبَّدُ لوعةً لو شامَ حُر
قَتها المَجُوسيُّ انثنى يتعطَّفُ
14. A heart that tossed in sorrow until it avoided
The goodness of its abode, spurning and disdaining
١٤. قلبٌ تقلَّبَ بالأَسى حتى غدا
عن طيبِ مَسكِنهِ يَصُدُّ ويَأنَفُ
15. So there is burning in my heartwood that makes its flames rise
And my eyes are drowning in tears that flow
١٥. فاللُّبُّ في حَرَقٍ يَشُبُّ لهيبُهُ
والطَرفُ في غَرَقٍ بدمعٍ يَذرِف
16. And the heart is in turmoil that removed its tranquility
And the mind is in separation and affliction it carries
١٦. والقلبُ في خَفقٍ ازالَ سُكونَهُ
والعقلُ في فَرَقٍ ووَجدٍ يَكلَفُ
17. So absence halved us with an unjust rule
O unjust in ruling, can you be fair
١٧. فالبينُ نصَّفَنا بحُكمٍ جائرٍ
يا جائراً في الحكم هل لك تُنصِفُ
18. You summarized, author of my brothers
By God, who made you so bold to oppress?
١٨. امسيتَ مختصِراً مؤلف إِخوتي
بالله من أَغراكَ أَنكَ تجحفُ
19. You unsheathed towards me, O Absence, a sharp sword
From the scabbard of your harm, drawn and sharpened
١٩. جَرَّدتَ لي يا بينُ سيفاً صارماً
مِن غِمد رُزءكَ وهوَ ماضٍ مُرهَفُ
20. But I will endure the tribulations with determination
That overcomes fears, and it does not worry
٢٠. فلأصبِرَنَّ على البِلى بعزيمةٍ
تَلِجُ المَخاوِفَ وَهيَ لا تتخوَّفُ
21. And I will follow my expatriation and the beasts of the wilderness
And remain lost in the labyrinth of tribulations
٢١. ولأَتبَعَنَّ بغُربتي وحشَ الفَلا
وأَظلُّ في تِيهِ المصائب أَعسِفُ
22. Hopefully time will reconsider its opinion of us
And perhaps God will show us kindness
٢٢. عَل الزمانَ بنا يُراجِعُ رأيَهُ
ولعلَّ أَن اللَه فينا يَلطُفُ
23. And time swears, then breaks its promise
And when it threatens harm, it does not break it
٢٣. والدهرُ يَحلِفُ ثم يُخلِف وعدَهُ
واذا توعَّدَ بالأَذى لا يُخلِفُ
24. Is there anyone who will respond to me, whom I have lost
To allow me his spirit, and I will not be shy?
٢٤. هل مَن يَرُدُّ عليَّ مَن فارقتُهُ
لأُبيحهُ رُوحي ولا أَستنكفُ
25. Since the light of its splendor has been absent from my eye
A darkness that cannot be unveiled has stretched over it
٢٥. مُذ غابَ عن عينيَّ نُورُ ضِيائها
مُدَّت عليها ظُلمةٌ لا تُكشَفُ
26. If you ask the visions about the lightning of darkness
They will call you: death captured and most capturing
٢٦. لو تسأَلُ الأَبصارَ عن برقِ الدُجى
نادتكَ يَخطَفُ والمنيَّةُ أَخطَفُ
27. There is a relationship between Jacob and me
When Joseph has departed from us both
٢٧. ما بينَ يعقوبٍ وبيني نِسبةٌ
اذ قد نأى عنا كِلَينا يُوسُفُ
28. O fruit, nothing was sweeter than its beauty
So it is impossible that it will not be plucked
٢٨. يا ثمرةً ما كان أَشهى حُسنَها
فمِنَ المُحال بانها لا تُقطَفُ
29. O you, the blossom of youth, tell us
By God, how and you being blossom, do you get picked?
٢٩. يا ايها الغضُّ الشبيبةِ قُل لنا
باللَهِ كيفَ وأَنتَ غَضٌّ تُقصَف
30. O full moon, its eclipse has exposed it
And the moon, I am at its fullness eclipsed
٣٠. يا بدرَ تِمّ قد عَراهُ خُسوفُهُ
والبدرُ أَنّي عند تِمٍّ يُخسَفُ
31. O sun that was eclipsed at midday
And the sun, I am eclipsed during its brightness
٣١. يا أيها الشمسُ التي كُسِفَت ضُحىً
والشمسُ أني في ضُحاها تكسَفُ
32. Yesterday, you used to trail in the coolness of the morning breeze
With sprightliness in which you become infatuated and draw near
٣٢. بالأَمسِ كُنتَ تذيلُ في بُردِ الصبا
بخَلاعةٍ فيها تَهِيمُ وتزلُفُ
33. And how much you raced to your dance, running
But now you are still and have stopped
٣٣. ولكم ركضتَ الى ارتكاضك جارياً
فالآن مالكَ راكداً تتوقَّفُ
34. And how freely you galloped with passion
But now you are fettered and tied
٣٤. وكم انطلقتَ مع الهَوى بطَلاقةٍ
فالآنَ انت مقيَّدٌ ومكتَّفُ
35. Did you get a repentance on the day of parting
More precious than your valued familiarity?
٣٥. أَتُرى ظَفِرتَ بتوبةٍ يومَ المَنا
أَثرى عليها حضُّك المستعرفُ
36. And did you confess as it befits our custom
And intend what the penitent intends?
٣٦. وهل اعترفتَ كما يليقُ بعُرفِنا
ونَحَوتَ ما ينحو بهِ المتعرّفُ
37. And I regret - how much regret is in my heart -
Knotted, and the knots of its knots are coherent
٣٧. واحسرتاهُ وكم بقلبي حسرةٌ
عُقِدَت وعَقدُ عُقودِها متأَلِّفُ
38. I wish I were near you when you faced death
A day when you were facing mortality
٣٨. يا ليتني قد كُنتُ عِندكَ مُشرفاً
يوماً وأنتَ على المنية مُشرفُ
39. Gently, for I have a heart burdened over you
And filled with pain and an emaciated body
٣٩. رِفقاً فلي قلبٌ عليكَ مصدَّعٌ
وحَشى بهِ أَلَمٌ وجسمٌ مُنحَفُ
40. And pouring tears and rustling wings
And limbs that yearn
٤٠. ومدامعٌ مسكوبةٌ وجوانحٌ
مشبوبةٌ وجوارحٌ تتلهَّفُ
41. And a shroud that was wrapped over the embers of sorrow
And a pillow scorched, and a tired heart
٤١. وطويَّةٌ طُوِيَت على جمر الأَسى
وحُشاشةٌ حَرّى وقلبٌ مُكلَفُ
42. Until when will I spend the darkness with glimpses
That wander, and an eyelid not accustomed to blindness?
٤٢. حتّى متى أَقضي الدُجى بلواحظٍ
تَهمِي وجَفنٍ للكَرى لا يأَلفُ
43. Until when will I openly lament, O Joseph
So the returning echo responds: O Joseph
٤٣. حتى مَ أَجهَرُ بالنِدا يا يُوسُفُ
فيجيبُني رَجعُ الصَدى يا يُوسُفُ
44. I call the one I deprived of a response
So my call returns like me screaming
٤٤. اني أُنادِي مَن مُنعتُ جَوابَهُ
فلذاك رَجعُ نِدايَ مثلي يَهتِفُ
45. So it is as if I am Al-Khansa' eulogizing her rock
And the rock does not soften or show sympathy
٤٥. فكأنني الخنساءُ تندُبُ صخرَها
والصخرُ لا يحنو ولا يَتَعطَّفُ
46. O friend, death is a decisive judgment
Each will sip this cup one day
٤٦. يا صاحِ إِنَّ الموتَ حُكمٌ جازمٌ
كلٌّ لهذا الكأسِ يوماً يَرشُفُ
47. But the death of a youth in the prime of life
Is an incident that even rocks would tremble from
٤٧. لكنَّ موتَ الشابِ في شَرخِ الصِبا
خَطبٌ يَكادُ الصخرُ منهُ يَرجُفُ
48. So the most grievous of God's wrath that afflicted the earth
Is the death of the son of Adam while he is weak and pampered
٤٨. فأَمَرُّ سُخطِ اللَهِ ما دَهِمَ الوَرى
موتُ ابنِ آدَمَ وَهوَ أَهيَفُ مُترَفُ
49. The fire of youth in adolescence, what a pity
That its youths should pass away
٤٩. نار الشبيبةِ في الشَبابِ شبيبةٌ
ويلاهُ من شُبَّانها أَن يَنطَفُوا
50. The lights can change to darknesses in
The heart of daytime from life and set
٥٠. قد تُبدَل الأَنوارُ بالظُلُماتِ في
قلب النَهارِ من الحيوةِ وتَغدِفُ
51. So the sun sets in midday, its light
And the land darkens with the unjust and sinks
٥١. فالشمسُ يَغرُبُ في الظَهيرةِ ضَؤُها
والأَرض تُظلِمُ بالاثيم وتَخسِفُ
52. Alas, for those who got accustomed to the tribulation of fate
As if with their affliction, they are obsessed
٥٢. آهاً لمن أَلِفَ الزمانَ مَصابَهُ
فكأَنَّهُ ببِلاهُ صَبٌّ مُشغَفُ
53. How often, O cycles of tribulations, have you stepped
Towards me with the strides of the hand of misfortunes you throw?
٥٣. كم ذا أَيا كُرَةَ البلى نحوي الخطو
بُ بصَولَجانِ يدِ النوائبِ تُخذَفُ
54. Father, trust in God and accept His judgment
For He whose judgments are not known
٥٤. أبتاه ثِق باللَهِ وارضَ بحُكمِهِ
فهو الذي احكامهُ لا تُعرفُ
55. So grieve for your son with the grief of David for
Absalom, and do not strain yourself with that
٥٥. فاحزَن على ابنكَ حُزنَ داودٍ على
آبيشَلُومَ وما بذاك تكلُّف
56. For the origin is hoped to sprout branches after
Its branches are cut, so it reproduces
٥٦. فالاصلُ يُرجَى بعد قطع فُروعِهِ
أَن تَنبُتَ الاغصانُ منهُ فيُخلِفُ
57. Who is it that lives and does not see corruption
As the most honorable Prophet said?
٥٧. من ذا الذي يحيى وليسَ يَرى فسا
داً مثلما قال النبي الأَشرَفُ
58. This is the way, its status does not diminish
Does one who disobeys its order remain?
٥٨. هذي الشريعةُ ليسَ يُنقَصُ وضعُها
هل مُخلِفٌ عن أمرها يتخلَّفُ
59. If the son of God and His mother have died
What of every soul that recoils?
٥٩. ان كانَ ماتَ ابنُ الالهِ وأُمُّهُ
ما بال منهُ كل نفسٍ تأَنَفُ
60. For death equally strips all the eras of the earth
Whether they confess it or not
٦٠. فالموتُ مُعفٍ كلَّ أَحقابِ الوَرى
إِن يعتفوا منهُ وان لم يعتفوا
61. Always prevailing over their generations
Whether they hide from it or not
٦١. مستظهراً ابداً على أجيالِهم
إِن يختفوا عنهُ وان لم يختفوا
62. And if the tongues of the earth censured death
In it are many merits that cannot be described
٦٢. والموتُ لو هجنتهُ أَلسِنةُ الوَرى
فيهِ مزايا جَمَّةٌ لا تُوصَفُ
63. Among them is remembering it, for which
The devout worshipper isolated and devout has deserted the senses
٦٣. منها تذكُّرُهُ الذي من أجلهِ
هجرَ الحواسَ القانتُ المتقشِّفُ
64. And it is that which by its continuity makes the young man
A relief for the dense body, softening it
٦٤. وهو الذي بدوامهِ يَذَرُ الفَتَى ال
نِحريرَ للجسم الكثيفِ يُلطِّفُ
65. And I say in truth, it is a serious beneficial matter that is strange
Since the Greeks aptly said that
٦٥. ولقد اقولُ على الحقيقةِ إِنَّهُ
امرٌ خطيرٌ نافعٌ مُستطرَفُ
66. Remembering the deceased is philosophizing
How many people by its thoughts
٦٦. اذ حدَّتِ اليونانُ حدّاً صادقاً
أَنَّ التذكُّرَ بالمنونِ تَفَلسُفُ
67. Have abandoned misguidance and turned
How many sinners when they remembered their demise
٦٧. كم من أُناسٍ من هذيذهم بهِ
رَجَعوا عن الغَيِّ المُضِلّ واعطفوا
68. Complied while they are devout and ascetic
So death, then fear of it - both of them -
٦٨. كم فاسق لما تذكَّرَ حتفهُ
إِنصاعَ وَهوَ العابدُ المتعففُ
69. Then sin, one with the other, coherent
God will judge people and He
٦٩. فالموتُ ثم الخوفُ منهُ كلاهما
ثم الخطيةُ ذا بذا متأَلّفُ
70. Will reward them justly for what they have collected
O friend, if it is good then it is good, or if it is
٧٠. سَيُحاكِمُ اللَهُ الأَنامَ وانهُ
يَجزيهمِ عدلاً بما قد أَسلَفوا
71. Evil then it is evil, your Lord is fair
Those whose fate is dust
٧١. يا صاحِ ان خيراً فخيرٌ أو يكُن
شرّاً فشرٌّ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ مُنصِفُ
72. Can they really slip away?
O you who have left the path of guidance, traveling
٧٢. ان الذين إلى التُرابِ مآلهم
طُرّاً فهل لهُمُ بان يتصلَّفوا
73. The path of temptation, lost and afraid
Repent, have hope, say there is no God but God, be truthful
٧٣. يا تاركاً نَهجَ الهِدايةِ سالكاً
وعَثَ الغَوايةِ تائهاً يتخوَّفُ
74. So the reward of one who does good is doubled
And watch over your dove as he is a treacherous wolf
٧٤. تُب عد ومل عف حد وقل سل طع وسد
فجزاءُ مَن عَمِلَ الصَلاحَ مفوَّفُ
75. And the trait of a wolf is to deceive and snatch
And lament over the past eras and your state -
٧٥. وارقُب حِمامك فهو ذِئبٌ خاطفٌ
والذئبُ شِيمتُهُ يروغُ فيخطَفُ
76. The most miserable, and what the future brings
A day in which people will all be judged
٧٦. واندب على ماضي الزمانِ وحالك ال
أَشقى وما يأتي به المستأنفُ
77. And He will gather them for the Final Gathering
A day in which no intercession will be hoped for
٧٧. يوماً تُدانُ بهِ الأَنامُ جميعهم
ويَضُمُّهم للحَشر ذاك المَوقِفُ
78. Except that with which He is gentle towards His servants
Whoever's record's seal is not untied
٧٨. يوماً بهِ لا يُرتجى بشَفاعةٍ
الا التي بعبيدها تتلطَّفُ
79. Never, and it means it cannot be altered
The daughter of God and His mother and His bride
٧٩. من لم يُفَكَّ خِتامُ سِفرِ بَهائِها
كلا ومعناهُ فليسَ يُحرَّفُ
80. The elite of the angels, and she is their finest
If you, O you are burdened with your sin
٨٠. بِنتُ الإِلهِ وأُمُّهُ وعَرُوسُهُ
شَرَفُ الملائكِ وَهيَ منهم أَشرَفُ
81. Incline her protection, for she lightens you
And incline your heart towards her, for her trait is
٨١. ان كنتَ يا هذا بذَنبِكَ مُثقَلاً
يَمِّم حِماها فَهيَ عنكَ تُخفِّفُ
82. Goodness and benevolence towards you she inclines
Do not wish except for her, for there is none in the earth
٨٢. واعطِف فُؤادَكَ نَحوَها فتشيمُها
بالجُود والإِحسانِ نحوك تَعطِفُ
83. Gentler to the servants and more compassionate
Behold, those whose severity of burden was relieved
٨٣. لا ترجُ الاها فليسَ بذا الوَرى
منها أَرَقُّ على العبادِ وأَرأَفُ
84. Were it not for the mercy of the Chaste Virgin, they would not have risen
O sinners, trust in Mary, she is
٨٤. ها إِنَّ من فُتِقُوا بأَسهُم وِزرِهم
لولا حُنُوِّ البِكرِ مَريَمَ ما رُفُوا
85. The succor of the wilderness, so frequent her and suffice
And recover her benevolence, but you
٨٥. يا آثمينَ ثِقُوا بمريمَ انها
غوثُ البريَّةِ فاقصِدوها واكتَفُوا
86. Must stand in modesty before her presence
O friend, if you promised her love
٨٦. واستدرِكوا إِحسانها لكنَّكم
بالإِحتشامِ إِزاءَ حضرتها قِفُوا
87. Do not twist away like those who never fulfilled loyalty in love
Her love is sweet in my heart whenever
٨٧. يا صاح ان اوعدتَها بمحبَّةٍ
لا تُلفَ مِمَّن بالمحبَّةِ لم يَفُوا
88. A critic has blamed and censured
My poetry was pleasured in the gentleness of her anthem
٨٨. تحلو محبَّتها بقلبي كُلَّما
قد لام فيها عاذلٌ ومُعنِّفُ
89. But she is more gentle than it, and more gracious
Repeat to my hearing the rhythm of her praise
٨٩. قد راق نظمي في رقيقِ نشيدِها
لكنَّها منهُ أَرَقُّ والطفُ
90. For my hearing with her praise is impassioned
And revive with your poem the heart of one in pain that has become
٩٠. كَرِّر على سَمعي نِظامَ مديحِها
فمَسامِعي بمديحها تتشنَّفُ
91. With the praise of Mary a burning youth
In a garden of splendor, from the shadows of which
٩١. وانعِش بشَجوك قلبَ عانٍ قد غدا
بثَناءِ مريمَ وَهوَ صَبٌ مُشغَفُ
92. A rustling of doves over the flowers is extended
From it, the weakness in me will heal, I intend with humility
٩٢. في رَوضةٍ فيحاءَ من اظلالها
قد مُدَّ من فوقِ الأَزاهر رَفرَفُ
93. For my hope in her benevolence does not weaken
O quintessence of the Merciful, O treasure of healing
٩٣. منها شِفا ضُعفي ارومُ بذِلَّةٍ
فرَجايَ في إِحسانها لا يَضعُف
94. Heal the woe of my body, for I am submissive
I swear - and by your love, your love is my doctrine
٩٤. يا صُفوةَ الرَحمن يا كَنزَ الشِفا
إِشفي ضَنى جِسمي لأَنّي مُدنَفُ
95. And without your love, in the world I do not swear
I gain with the mention of your virtues a bliss
٩٥. قَسَماً وحُبِّكِ ان حُبَّكِ مذهبي
وبغيرِ حُبِّكِ في الورى لا أَحلِفُ
96. As if your praise, O maiden, is twittering
So peace be upon you from the one who began
٩٦. اني احوزُ بذِكرِ فضلكِ نَشوةً
فكأَنَّ مدحكِ يا بتولةُ قَرقَفُ
97. Incarnate from you, and He is the Most Honorable God
The verses eulogizing you have not been adorned in the world
٩٧. فلكِ السلامُ من الذي منكِ ابتدا
متجسِّداً وهو الالهُ الأَشرَفُ
98. For the beauty of your eulogy's adornment has no embellishment
And I have escaped with the excellence of the praise
٩٨. ما زُخرِفَت ابياتُ مدحكِ في الوَرى
اذ لم يُفاخِر حُسنَ مدحكِ زُخرُفُ
99. Which is beautiful to conclude with, and be adorned
So I have brought my poetry to a pleasant ending
٩٩. وتخلَّصت ببَراعةِ المدحِ الذي
حُسنَ الخِتامِ بهِ وفيهِ يُتحَفُ