
The answer has come to you from me in a poem

قد جاءكم مني الجواب قصيدة

1. The answer has come to you from me in a poem
If you are biased towards the right, then

١. قد جاءَكم مني الجوابُ قصيدةً
هاتيكَ مكتوبٌ وهذا مُلحَقُ

2. The left is good, and this is to be trusted
There is no good in a right that paralyzes its left

٢. ان كنتَ عسَّافُ اليمينَ فانما
حَسَنُ الشِمالُ وانَّ ذا لمصدَّقُ

3. Or an arm from which the elbow is severed
So if a person's hand strikes another's

٣. لا خيرَ في يُمنَى تَشَلُّ شِمالُها
او ساعدٍ يُجتاحُ منهُ المِرفَقُ

4. Then his death among people is clear
And the teeth, if their hands are broken, will their teeth

٤. فاذا اصابَ المرءُ منهُ يدٌ يداً
فمُصابُه في الناس موتٌ أَزرَقُ

5. Be safe from being broken or pulled out?
You are the elder and this the younger, but

٥. والصِنوُ ان تَجدَع يداهُ صِنوهُ
هل يُؤمَنَن من جدعهِ او يُوثَقُ

6. The elder's merit over the younger is gentleness
Do not listen to the insinuations of the arrogant one saying

٦. انت الكبيرُ وذا الصغيرُ وانما
فضلُ الكبيرِ على الصغيرِ تَرَفُّقُ

7. This man is weak, his state is straitened
For the lion is blinded by a small gnat

٧. لا تُصغِ للواشي الغَرُور يقولُ ذا
رَجُلٌ ضعيفٌ حالُهُ متضيِّقُ

8. And the ewe is defeated by a small tick
The eagle is the fiercest bird of prey, but

٨. فالسبعُ تُدمِي مقلتيهِ بَعُوضةٌ
والشاةُ يَقمُرُها كذلك بَيذَقُ

9. It is killed by a hidden trap and choked
Kurush left his kingdom when he died

٩. والنَسرُ أَجرَحُ جارحٍ لكنهُ
يُغتَال بالشَرَك الخفيّ ويُوهَقُ

10. Betrayed by his troops though they were many
And Alexander was felled by one of his slaves

١٠. قد غادَرَت توليدُ كُورَشَ ميتاً
بكمينها ولديهِ جُندٌ فَيلَقُ

11. Wounded, though from him the earth was rent
Destroyed is he who ruled the entire earth

١١. واسكندرٌ أرداهُ بعض عبيدهِ
ختلاً ومنه الأَرضُ كانت تَفرَقُ

12. His parties scattered and torn apart
The path of hypocrisy has become passable, so none but

١٢. هَلَكَ الذي ملك البسيطةَ كلها
وتشتَّتت احزابهُ وتمزَّقوا

13. A hypocrite takes that path when it is passable
While truthfulness, from the scarcity of goods, has become

١٣. نفق النِفاقُ فليس غيرُ منافق
لما رأى سوق المنافق تَنفُقُ

14. So unprofitable that even thieves shun stealing it
Do not be deceived by the coquetries of youth

١٤. والصِدقُ من كسدِ البضائع قد غدا
حتى تباعد عنهُ لَصٌّ يَسرِقُ

15. And the flatteries of a deceiver feigning affection
For fire, in the beginning is but a spark

١٥. لا تخدَعَنَّ نُهاكَ غِرَّات الصِبا
ومُخادعٌ بِخِداعهِ يتملَّقُ

16. And war, in the beginning is angry talk
And injustice, its inevitable consequence is swift destruction

١٦. فالنارُ أولها يكونُ شِرارةً
والحربُ مبدأها الكلام المُحنِقُ

17. And wrong, its end is devastating calamity
While justice for mankind is the best supporter

١٧. والبغيُ مصرعهُ قريبٌ عاجلٌ
والظُلمُ غايتهُ الدَمارث الموبقُ

18. And tyranny's final outcome is all-encompassing affliction
Have mercy on the people of woe, for their supplication

١٨. والعدلُ للإِنسان خيرُ مؤَازرٍ
والجورُ آخرهُ بَلاءٌ مُطبِقُ

19. Is an arrow with which the barriers of glory are rent
And with the condition of your parents, be gentle

١٩. رِفقاً باهل الضُرّ ان دُعاءَهم
سهمٌ بهِ حُجُبُ المعالي تُخرَقُ

20. For in every condition, you should be more gentle with them
Generosity is most profitable, success is for the forgiving

٢٠. وبحالة ابنِ الوالدَينِ تَرفَّقَن
فبكلّ حالٍ انت منهُ ارفقُ

21. Reconciliation is best, and agreement most harmonious
This is the sincere advice of one whose friendship

٢١. فالسَمحُ اربحُ والنجاحُ لسامحٍ
والصلحُ اصلحُ والتوافق اوفقُ

22. Is to be trusted, and whose advice leads to strength

٢٢. هذه نصيحةُ خالص الوِدِّ الذي
بوِدادهِ وبنُصحهِ يُستَوثَقُ