
Keep God's commandments, O you who are devout

إحفظ وصايا الله يا ذا المتقي

1. Keep God's commandments, O you who are devout
Leave idleness and reject vain talk

١. إِحفَظ وصايا اللَهِ يا ذا المُتَّقي
ودَعِ البَطالةَ وانبُذِ البُطلانا

2. Acquire understanding as long as you live and wisdom
To save you from the evils of ignorance and tyranny

٢. واستقنِ فَهماً ما حَيِيتَ وحِكمةً
فتقيكَ شرَّ الجهل والطِغيانا