
My fate was cruel to me, so my endurance weakened,

قسا دهري علي فعيل صبري

1. My fate was cruel to me, so my endurance weakened,
Is there any who would have mercy or feel pity?

١. قَسا دهري عليَّ فعِيلَ صبري
فهل من راحمٍ او من شَفُوقِ

2. Tomorrow this life will be worse than an unjust father,
And make me more wretched than a disobedient son.

٢. غدا ذا الدهرُ شَرَّ أَبٍ ظَلُومٍ
وصيَّرَني اشرَّ ابنٍ عَقُوقِ