
Who is not completely obedient to his leader

من كان ليس بخاضع لرئيسه

1. Who is not completely obedient to his leader
With utmost obedience and the heights of contentment

١. مَن كانَ ليسَ بخاضعٍ لرئيسهِ
بالطاعةِ القُصوى وغاياتِ الرِضى

2. Is warned that the body did not submit to him
But rather it is fierce and not tamed

٢. بُنبي بأَنَّ الجِسمَ لم يَخضَع لهُ
بل انهُ شَرِسٌ وليسَ مروَّضا

3. So hasten to obey your leader with pleasure
If you want to subdue your unruly body

٣. فأسرُع لطاعتِكَ الرئيسَ بلَذَّةٍ
ان شِئتَ تُخضِعَ جِسمكَ المتنهِّصا

4. We destroy our enemy from the outside
If the house of the soul is not demolished

٤. إِنَّا نُبيدُ عَدُوَّنا من ظاهرٍ
إِن كانَ بيتُ الروحِ ليسَ مُقوَّضا

5. So scorn the selves that seek dignity
And resume at once all that has passed

٥. فاحقُروهُن نفساً ترومُ كَرامةً
واستأنِفَن في الحالِ جُملةَ ما مضى