
Take heed of God's command and put your trust in Him

تحفظ بإيصاء الاله وثق به

1. Take heed of God's command and put your trust in Him
And forbid vain talk for the vain talker is void

١. تَحفَّظ بإِيصاءِ الالهِ وثِق بهِ
ونَهنِه عن البُطلان فالبطلُ باطلُ

2. And pursue acquiring reason and understanding for
By your life, he who does not acquire them is ignorant

٢. وخُذ في اقتِناءِ الحِسِّ والفَهمِ انهُ
لَعَمرُكَ من لم يَقنهِ فَهوَ جاهلُ