
He who accompanies the evil deceitful man

مصاحب الرجل السوء المخادع لا

1. He who accompanies the evil deceitful man
Remains in fear and anxiety from his harm

١. مُصاحِبُ الرَجُل السُوءِ المُخادِعِ لا
يَزالُ من شرِّهِ في الخوفِ والقَلَقِ

2. Like a ship rider who cannot cease his dread
That he may be saved from drowning, not from being wrecked

٢. كراكبِ البحر لا ينفكُّ من جَزَعٍ
ان يَنجُ من غَرَقٍ لا يَنجُ من فَرَقِ

3. And the extent of his virtue is to bestow favor
Upon one whom he injures not with kindness and gentleness

٣. ومَبلَغُ الفضلِ منهُ ان يَمُنَّ على
من ليس يؤذيهِ بالإِحسانِ والرفقِ