
The guidance is not like the four blind ones

ما للهدى كالأربع الأدراس

1. The guidance is not like the four blind ones
Or like sleeping in the dens of foxes

١. ما للُهدَى كالأَربُع الأَدراسِ
أو كالرُقودِ بهَبوةِ الأَرماسِ

2. Truths and rights are not like an apparition
Of drawings on a page of paper

٢. ما للحقائقِ والحُقُوقِ كأَنَّها
شَبَحٌ الرُسومِ بصَفحةِ القِرطاسِ

3. I saw schools built for tyrants
While the righteous became mute without teeth

٣. أَنّي أُشِيدَت للطُغاةِ مَدارسٌ
وغدا الهُداةُ فماً بلا أَضراسِ

4. Its light was concealed by a horde
The descendants of Photius and the wearers of cassocks

٤. وقَدِ استَسَر ضِياؤُهُ من عُصبةٍ
هم آل فوتي مع أُولي برداسِ

5. When God folded the spread of their darkness
He threw them into the gloom of shackles

٥. لمّا طَوى اللَهُ انتشارَ ظلامِهِم
أرمى بهم في ظُلمةِ الأَغلاسِ

6. How many lofty ones were razed after
They were atop couches and chairs

٦. كم حطَّ مرتفعَ الذُرى من بعدِ أَن
قد كانَ فوقَ أَسِرَّةٍ وكراسي

7. They were cut off like a rotten limb from its body
And were tossed away with a strike to the head

٧. قُطِعوا كعِضوٍ فاسدٍ من جِسمِهِ
فرُمُوا وكانت ضربةً في الراسِ

8. A horde tomorrow being superstitious and deceitful
With every stupid drunk who tasted the cups

٨. سِربٌ غداً مُتَوسوِساً مُتَدلساً
مع كل غُمرٍ ماذق دلاسر

9. It is as if the idea of reincarnation is true
A lion seen in the form of a cat

٩. فكأَنَّما رأيُ التَناسخِ صادقٌ
أُسُدٌ تُرى في صورة النَسناسِ

10. A people whose humiliation was made an emblem
Circulated among them at the gatherings

١٠. قومٌ لذُلِّهِمِ أُقِيمَ دليلُهم
ناراً يُطافُ بها على الجُلاسِ

11. They became like Jerusalem in the hands of foes
An abode of pleasure and sanctum of holiness

١١. أَضحت كأَورَشَليمَ في أَيدي الوَرى
مَثوى الرضى ومَحَلَّةَ الأَقداسِ

12. Is Jerusalem the throne of our God
Subject to every deceit and impiety?

١٢. هل إِنَّ أُورَشَلِيم عرشَ إِلهِنا
موضوعُ كلِّ خديعةٍ وتَناسِ

13. Not all that glitters is gold
What a difference between ebony and brass

١٣. ما كلُّ ساطعةِ المعادنِ عَسجَدٌ
كم بينَ إِبريزٍ وبينَ نُحاسِ

14. There, an unfelt light, one that
Can be seen by a sensitive eye

١٤. فهُناكَ نورٌ غيرُ محسوسٍ وذي
نارٌ تُرى من ناظرٍ حَسَّاسِ

15. A light made by God, not by the craft
Of patriarchs, priests, and deacons

١٥. نُورٌ بصُنعِ اللَهِ لا بتَصَنُّعِ ال
مَطرانِ والقِسِيسِ والشمَّاسِ

16. They derived it from the early ones and preceded
In deriving fires from tinder

١٦. مستقبسوهُ من الأُولى سَلَفُوا بأَن
تُستَقبَسَ النِيرانُ من مِقباسِ

17. So they made for the light of His glory
An example of lamp and lantern

١٧. فكأَنهم ضربوا لنورِ سنائهِ
مَثَلاً من المِشكاةِ والنِبراسِ

18. What light do you see and it
Appears, so eyes of people glimpse it?

١٨. ماذاكُمُ نُوراً تراهُ وَهوَ إذ
يبدو فترمُقُهُ عُيُونُ الناسِ

19. Reveal what you conspired, for it has no
Place concealed in the fold and cloak

١٩. أَبدُوا الذي دبَّرتموهُ فما لَهُ
متستِّراً في الكِنِّ والديماسِ

20. If it were a clear and obvious right
It would have no need for concealment and dress

٢٠. لو كان ذا حقاً جلياً واضحاً
ما احتاجَ للإِخفاءِ والإِلباسِ

21. This is an established position, no machinations
Scattered among tribes and nationalities

٢١. ذي رتبةٌ مثبوتةٌ لا حِيلةٌ
مبثوثةٌ بقبائل الأَجناسِ

22. In it came our theologians
And through it, it has the oldest authority in Rome

٢٢. ولقد أتى فيها فُخولوجينُنا
وبهِ لها في الرُوسِ أقدمُ راسِ

23. The fires sanctify the embers as
The waters sanctify on the day of Epiphany

٢٣. تَتَقدَّسُ النِيرانُ جَمراً مثلَما
تتقدَّسُ الأَمواهُ يومَ غطاسِ

24. So both were permitted by God, let us
By nature know which of the two pollutes

٢٤. فكِلاهما حَلَّ الإِلهُ بهِ فَلِن
طبعاً وأَيقِن أَيُّهذا الجاسي

25. This has its limit and measure: its burning
With its candles and kindling of every size

٢٥. واقدِم فما عُلَّيقةٌ بل جُذوةٌ
أَورى الزِنادَ بها فما من ياسِ

26. With it you see risen at the Resurrection
Folk in sin and impurities

٢٦. وأَنس بها ناراً تُضيءُ بفندها
واخلَع نِعال المكرِ والادلاسِ

27. Dragged like startled horses during
Chanting and Mass

٢٧. نارٌ ذكت وخُمودُها ودخَانُها
أنواعُها دلَّت على الأجناسِ

28. Where do injuries converge in the abode
Of the feared sea of sins and impurities?

٢٨. هَضَمَت لكلِّ مَوَاددٍ غذيت بها
فقضيَّةٌ لم تفتقر لقياسِ

29. Among the wonders is that sanctified wonders
Are held in the gathering of the unclean

٢٩. ذا حدُّها وقِياسُها إحراقُها
بشُموعها ووهيجِ كل مقاسِ

30. So look, O knight son of knights, with insight
You will find guidance where there is misguidance

٣٠. فترى بهاتيكَ القيامةِ قائماً
أقوامَها بالإِثمِ والأَرجاسِ

31. The sons of Rome missed their target
Their glory was marred with the blemish of Fez

٣١. يَجُرونَ كالفَرَس الصَهُول بضَجَّةٍ
في حينما الترتيلِ والقُدَّاسِ

32. They placed their hope in their calculations
So they were carried upon biers

٣٢. أَنى الجرائحُ تُلتَقى في مُلتَقى
بحرِ الخَنا المحذورِ والأَدناسِ

33. They are the pagan unbelievers whose practice
Is to bow to fire and embers

٣٣. ومن العجائبِ ان تُؤَمَّ عجائبٌ
قُدسيَّةٌ في مَجمَعِ الأَنجاسِ

34. They wanted elevation by raising that elevation
So they were humbled by lowering their elevation among people

٣٤. فتَفرَّسَنَّ بذي الضَلالةِ والدَها
تلقى الهُدى يا فارسَ ابنَ فِراسِ

35. A difficult folk, each being
Difficult to deal with and difficult to lead

٣٥. أَرمَى بنو الرومِ المَرامَ فاخطأُوا
ثُلِمَت أَرُومتُهم بأَثلَمِ فاسِ

36. They wandered in the sea of their misguidance as if
They were ships devoid of captain and anchorage

٣٦. وضعوا رجاءهمُ على أَحسابِهِم
فلِذاكَ قد حُمِلوا على الآياسِ

37. They did not necessitate by their confusion
Except seizing of morsels and clothing

٣٧. فَهُمُ المَجوسُ المُلحِدونَ وشأنُهم
ان يَسجُدوا للنارِ والأَقباسِ

38. They kept to obeying the sinful as
The slave keeps to the orders of the slave trader

٣٨. راموا السَناءَ برفعِ ذيَّاكَ السَنى
فمُنُوا بخفضِ سَنائِهم في الناسِ

39. Woe to them! What will be their recompense
On the day of recompense and the balance of justice?

٣٩. قومٌ سَواسِيَةٌ فكُلٌّ منهمُ
صعبٌ مُمارسةً وصعبُ مِراسِ

40. Do not be surprised if they transgressed in what they sought
And if they were unjust and harsh without measure

٤٠. عَطِبُوا ببحرِ ضَلالِهم فكأَنَّهم
سُفُنٌ خَلَت من ريّسٍ ومَراسي

41. For the love of worldly paper surrendered
The Most High to the crucifixion by Judas

٤١. ما أوجبوا باللُبسِ سالبَ أمرهم
إلّا لسلبِ مآكل ولِباسِ

42. What does hypocrisy say? A people saying
They are traditions of splendor and bankruptcy

٤٢. لَزِموا الخُضوعَ لِذي المعاثرِ مثلما
لَزِمَ الرقيقُ أوامرَ النَخَّاسِ

43. Who is best at saving the people of Hell
Through intentional deceit? He is the worst trustee

٤٣. سُحقاً لهم ماذا يكون جَزاؤُهم
يوم الجَزاءِ ومَقسِطِ القِسطاسِ

44. How can prostration befit the fire which
Is the trickery of opinions and senses?

٤٤. لا تَعجَبَنَّ إذا بَغَوا فيما ابتَغَوا
وإذا جَسَوا وَقَسَوا بغيرِ قياسِ

45. How can deceit be allowed from those who made
One who did not submit to their misguidance like an anvil?

٤٥. فمَحَبَّةُ الوَرَقِ الدنيَّةُ اسلمت
رَبَّ العُلى للصَلبِ من يوداسِ

46. It demolished the foundation of the covenant of Peter
Which the Merciful established, the best foundation

٤٦. ماذا النفاقُ يقولُ قومٌ إِنَّها
سُنَنٌ من الإِملاقِ والإِفلاسِ

47. One of good, united and holy together
Divinity in the trinity of holiness

٤٧. مَن أَحسَنَ استنقاذَ آل جهنَّمٍ
بالغِشِّ عمداً فَهوَ شَرُّ مُؤاسِ

48. And the apostles, after the three
Became the fourth pillar

٤٨. أَنى السُجودُ يَلِيقُ بالنارِ التي
هي خُدعةُ الآراءِ والأحواسِ

49. Those who raced in love surpassed
The running of horses, mules, and stallions

٤٩. أَنَّي يجوزُ المَكرُ ممَّن صَيَّروا
مَن لم يُصِخ لضَلالِهِم كمُداسِ

50. Seeking, not by sword or purse, so leave
A people who raided with sword and purses

٥٠. هَدماً لأُسِّ بِناءِ بِيعةِ بِطرُسٍ
مَن أَسَّها الرحمنُ خيرَ أَساسِ

51. Fold and triple the misguidance of the folk
Who rejected the five in the hexad

٥١. ذي خَيرُ واحدةٍ وجامعةٍ معاً
قُدسيَّةٍ بمُثلَّثِ الأَقداسِ

52. Great is the difference between the veracity
Of the lion of the den and the gazelle of Kinas

٥٢. والرُسلُ أَضحَوا لابتناءِ حُقوقِها
بعدَ الثلثةِ رابعَ الأَدماسِ

53. And the love they display seduces you
Dressed in the garb of tenderness

٥٣. مَن في المَحَبَّةِ جَريُهم أَربى على
جَريِ الخُيُولِ الضُمر والأَفراسِ

54. How many hardened hearts were split open
By their love, and it was most stubborn

٥٤. ساعينَ لا سيفاً ولا كيساً فَدَع
قوماً سطوا بالسيفِ والأَكياسِ

55. They did to the hearts of people multiples of what
Diamonds did to some of the statues

٥٥. ثُنِّي وثُلِّثَ غَيُّ آلِ أرابعٍ
جحدوا بهنَّ الخمسَ في الأَسداسِ

56. In every land grew branches of their knowledge
Which grew and so produced good plants

٥٦. شَتَّانَ فيما بينَ أَن صدَقَ النُهى
ليثُ العرينِ وبينَ ظبيِ كِناسِ

57. O best of those advised by obedience to their patriarch
So honor through them the advisor and the advised

٥٧. ويَرُوقُكَ الحُبُّ الذي يُبدُونَهُ
متوشِّحاً بملابسِ الإِيناسِ

58. The Pope succeeded to the position of the Church, God's deputy
The conclusive judge in dew and clothing

٥٨. كم أفلقوا بالوعظِ قلباً جامداً
بهِمِ استلانَ وكانَ اعظمَ قاسِ

59. This is the great patriarch, preceded by
Patriarchs to the last breath

٥٩. فعلوا بأَفئِدةِ الورى أَضعافَ ما
فعلت دِما بعضِ الدُمى بالماسِ

60. He whose mandate came in Noah
And Jacob, with every resemblance and pun

٦٠. وبكل قُطرٍ نمَّ قَطرُ علومِهِم
ونما فأَنمى جِيّدَ الأَغراسِ

61. His authority in the two worlds, and his rule
In the two abodes, is fate itself

٦١. يا خيرَ من سِيسوا بطاعةِ حِبرِهِم
فاكرِم بِهِم من سائسٍ ومُساسِ

62. O you who thickened the wound of disobedience, rejoice in
His obedience, it will heal your festering wound

٦٢. خَلَفَ الصَفا رأَسَ الكنيسةِ نائبَ اللَهِ
المحكَّمَ في النَدَى والباسِ

63. General jurisdiction is reserved to him, so everyone
Appointed by him is an absolute trustee

٦٣. هذا هُوَ الحِبرُ العظيمُ مُقدَّمُ ال
أَحبارِ حتى آخِرِ الأَنفاسِ

64. O companion, cast off the garb of wickedness
And remove the gown of anxiety and whisperings

٦٤. مَن رَسمهُ قد جاءَ في نُوحٍ
ويعقوبٍ بكلِّ تشابُهٍ وجِناسِ

65. And give glad tidings of what you attained of the attainment of guidance
Give mankind tidings of the measured attainment

٦٥. سُلطانُهُ في العالَمينَ وحُكمُهُ
في الخافِقَينِ مسيِّرٌ أوراسِ

66. Do not neglect the benevolence of God forgetfully
But be to evil people the greatest consoler

٦٦. يا مُثخِناً جُرحَ المعاصي لُذَّ بطا
عتهِ فيُوسِي جُرحَك المتماسي

67. And beware neglecting truth intentionally, for it
Is worse than forgetfulness, that neglect

٦٧. ان القَضاءَ العامَ خُصَّ بهِ فكلٌّ
من ولاهُ مجردٌ أوكاسِ

68. Perceive piety from the cup of his covenant
Of which none has savored its first draught but the taster

٦٨. يا صاح فاطرح عنكَ جِلبابَ الردى
واخلَع رِداءَ الهمِّ والوَسواسِ

69. And if you are invited to diversion, be the brother
Of Anasah, not her devilish seducer

٦٩. وابشِر بما قد نِلتَ من نَيلِ الهُدى
بِشرَ الوَرى بالنِيل ذي المِقياسِ

70. Behold, I cannot get my fill of its cup
Give me to drink from the decanter, not the cup

٧٠. لا تُلغِ إِحسانَ الإِلهِ تَناسِياً
بل كُن لسُوءِ الناسِ أكبَرَ ناسِ

71. How many a sober mind did it intoxicate
The wine of life from the noblest cups

٧١. واحذَر تَناسي الحقِّ عمداً انهُ
شَرٌّ من الناسي هو المُتَناسي

72. How many crooked ones did it straighten
Burdened with an awful, twisted staff

٧٢. واحسُ التُقى من كأسِ بِيعتِهِ التي
ما لَذَّ غيرُ سُلافِها للحاسي

73. Awakening drowsy eyelids, forbidden sights
From every withering, drowsy glance

٧٣. وإذا دُعِيتَ إلى السلوّ فكن اخا ال
خَنساءِ عن شَيطانِها الخنَّاسِ

74. How much were they persecuted and overcome, yet they
Were victorious without spear or breastplate

٧٤. ها إِنَّني لا أَرتَوِي من كأسِها
هاتِ اسقِني بالزِقِّ لا بالكاسِ

75. How many hearts were the sermons of its messengers able to divert
Deaf without arrow or bow

٧٥. كم اسكرَت عقلاً حسا من حانِها
خمرَ الحِجى من أَشرفِ الاكواسِ

76. How many minds did wickedness control with ignorance
But it is a remedy for every illness

٧٦. كم قَوَّمَت متعوّجاً عن رُشدِهِ
كَلِفاً بقَدٍّ اهيفٍ ميّاسِ

77. It wed me in the arenas of its glory
So I have no need for a wedding or weddings

٧٧. مستهّدَ الأَجفانِ ممنوعَ الكَرى
من كل لحظٍ ذابلٍ نَعّاسِ

78. In it the stars of faith were built after
Guidance was empty like the four blind ones

٧٨. كم ذا قَدِ اضطُهِدَت وما غُلِبَت وقد
ظَفِرَت بغيرِ أَسنَّةٍ وتِراس

٧٩. كم أَغرَضَت قلباً مواعظُ رُسلِها
فصُمي بلا سهمٍ ولا أَقواس

٨٠. كم حكَّمت عقلاً تَحكَّمَهُ الرَدى
بالجهلِ فَهيَ لكلِّ سُقمٍ آس

٨١. عَرَّستُ في أَرجاءِ حَلبةِ مجدِها
فَغِنيتُ عن عِرسٍ وعن أعراسِ

٨٢. فيها ذُرى الإِيمانِ شِيدت بعدَما
خِلتُ الهُدى كالأَربعِ الأَدارسِ