
I sent you my poem dated

أرسلت منظومي اليك مؤرخا

1. I sent you my poem dated
The year my late father passed away

١. أرسلتُ منظومي اليكَ مؤَرِّخاً
سَنَةَ انتِقالِ الوالدِ المرحومِ

2. With a message to which no reply came from you
As if I were asking a favour of an ignoble man

٢. بأَلُوكةٍ لم يأتِ منكَ جوابُها
فكأَنَّني راجٍ نَوالَ لئيمِ

3. And you repeated your action with me as though
Destruction echoed the hooting of owls

٣. وأَعَدتَ فعلكَ ذا معي فكأَنَّما
هدمٌ تواترَ فيهِ نَعقُ البومِ

4. If my poetry is but barley to you
No wonder I offer it to a beast

٤. ان كن شِعري كالشعيرِ لديكُمُ
لا غَروَ ان قدَّمتُهُ لبهيمِ