
Settle the contention, you are a tract whose length

سكن قراعا انت شوط مجاله

1. Settle the contention, you are a tract whose length
Is without smoothness or teeth

١. سَكِّن قِراعاً انت شَوطُ مَجالهِ
لَدَدٌ بغيرِ مُهنَّدٍ وسِنانِ

2. How many wounds from this epic did pierce you
Reached you without a piercing weapon

٢. كم فيكَ من هذي الملاحم طعنةٌ
نَفَذَت اليك بلا أداةِ طِعانِ

3. For the soul and body, both garments
Remain at war without safety

٣. فالروحُ والجِسمُ الوَثُوبِ كِلاهما
ما زالَ في حربٍ بغيرِ أمانِ

4. Two opposites will never agree to peace
Will two opposites ever concur?

٤. ضِدَّانِ لن يَتَوافَقا لسلامةٍ
ابداً وهل ضِدَّانِ يَنفِقانِ

5. O maker of peace between disputants, take care
To reconcile them, perhaps they will be on good terms

٥. يا صانعاً صُلحَ الخُصومِ تَعَهُّداً
صالحِهما فلَعَلَّ يَصطلِحانِ

6. For Jesus has completed for us in his Gospel
What he brought of the truth and proof

٦. فيسوعُ قد انهى لنا إِنجيلهُ
في ما اتى بالحقّ والبُرهانِ

7. Blessed are the makers of peace, they
Are of my assured protection and gardens

٧. طُوبى لمصطنعِي السَلامةِ انهم
أَبنايَ ضِمنَ وقايتي وجُناتي

8. So beware of them both as long as you live
For they are water and fire that never meet

٨. فاحذَرهما ما دُمتَ حَيّاً إِذ هما
ماءٌ ونارٌ ليسَ يجتمعانِ

9. I have remained confused between them
They do not cease to violently pull me

٩. امسيتُ بينهما لذلك حائراً
لم تَبرَحا بالعُنفِ تجتذبانِ

10. So I am like Jacob amidst the wiles
And affection of Laban's two daughters

١٠. فكأَنني يعقوبُ فيما بينَ را
حيلٍ وليَّاءَ ابنَتَي لابانِ