1. Do not ask me, O returning one, about my heart,
For my heart is between a sea and valleys.
١. لا تَسَلني يا عائدي عن فُؤَادي
ففُؤَادي ما بينَ بحرٍ ووادِ
2. It stayed residing in those meadows,
Grazing between those groves.
٢. ظلَّ في تِلكُمُ الربوعُ مُقيماً
يرتعي بينَ تِلكمُ الأَنجادِ
3. O breeze of the gardens, by Allah if you pass
By those mountains and peaks,
٣. يا نسيمَ الرِياضِ باللَهِ ان جُز
تَ بِتلكَ الجِبال والأَطوادِ
4. Convey my greetings, and tell about me,
To that sublime and lofty shrine.
٤. بَلِّغَنَّ السلامَ مني وعِنّي
ذلكَ المَنسِكَ الرفيعَ العِمادِ
5. And convey my passion gently and modestly,
And respectfully to my fellow worshippers.
٥. واهدِ شوقي برقَّةٍ واحتِشامٍ
واحتِرامٍ لإِخواني العُبَّادِ
6. Tell them that I am true to my promise,
Upright in my affection.
٦. اخبِرَنهم ببعضِ ما بيَ أَنِّي
ثابتُ العهدِ مستقيمُ الوِدادِ
7. You are like me, I see you a youth ailing,
And both of us are wandering in the deserts.
٧. أَنتَ مِثلي اراكَ صَبّاً عليلاً
وكِلانا مشرَّدٌ في البوادي
8. So help me by carrying my passion to them,
And soothe for me the ardour with support.
٨. فأَعِنِّي بحَمل شوقي اليهم
واروِ عنِّي الغرامَ بالإِسنادِ
9. For I am emaciated from the harm of separation,
O friend of ecstasy, you have not been far from me.
٩. إِنَّني من أَذَى البِعادِ نحيلٌ
يا اخا الوَجدِ لا بَعُدتَ بِعادي
10. My sympathiser, sympathise with me, and my companion speak to me,
For how much I despair in every valley.
١٠. نادِبي نادِ بي وصَحبي فصِح بي
فلَكَم أستهيمُ في كُلِّ وادِ
11. May your rain replenish you, O keeper of my promise,
And may you be quenched with life and aiming goals.
١١. جادكِ القَطر يا مَعاهدَ عهدي
وسقاكِ الحَيا وصَوبُ العِهادِ
12. And may you be met with greeting and acceptance,
And youthfulness from the fragrances and meadows.
١٢. وتلقَّاكِ شمأَلٌ وقَبُولٌ
وصَباً من رَوائِحٍ وغَوادِ
13. O tear, if you can help me,
Then sympathize with me from my eyelids without excess.
١٣. أَيُّها الدمعُ إِن تَكُن مُنجِداً لي
فاهمِ من مُقلتي بغيرِ تمادِ
14. For my mind is dead from the calamities,
And so I have worn the garb of darkness.
١٤. إِنّ عقلي من المآثمِ مَيتٌ
ولذا قد لَبِستُ ثوبَ السَوادِ
15. My sins have devised for me what schemes,
My burden upon me is wearing mourning clothes.
١٥. سَنَّ لي مأثمي لها ما ثماتٍ
حَدَّ وِزري عليَّ لبسُ الحِدادِ
16. I have undertaken a plan of tremendous mistakes,
That may terrify even the heart of inanimate things.
١٦. قد تكلَّفتُ خُطَّةً من خَطاءِ
هائِلٍ قد يروعُ قلبَ الجَمادِ
17. Except that I hope for the Mother of God,
She is the best intercessor on the day of judgement.
١٧. غيرَ أنِّي أرجو بأُمّ الهٍ
هِيَ خيرُ الشفيعِ يومَ المَعادِ
18. The savior of all people, Maryam, whom God
Honored with mercy for all worshippers.
١٨. نجدةُ العالمينَ مريمُ مَن قد
خارَها اللَهُ رحمةً للعِبادِ
19. Through her the Chosen ones attained divine selection,
And were adorned with the silk of glories.
١٩. فَبِها المُصطَفَونَ نالوا اصطِفاءً
وتَرَدَّوا بسُندُسِ الأَمجادِ
20. They became fortunate with good fortune in God’s kingdom,
And won the most blissful bliss.
٢٠. سَعِدوا بالسُعودِ في مَلَكُوتُ اللَهِ
فازوا بأَسعَدِ الإِسعادِ
21. They would not have attained steadfastness in righteousness unless
She had supported them with her blessing.
٢١. ما حَظُوا بالثَباتِ في البِرِّ لولا
أَدرَكَتهم بنِعمةِ الإِسنادِ
22. The queen of earth and heavens, Mother of God,
Praising her is sweet in my chanting.
٢٢. مَلكةُ الأَرضِ والسماواتِ أُمُّ اللَهِ
يحلو بمدحِها إِنشادي
23. Say whatever you wish in praise without
Fearing excess in it or overflowing increase.
٢٣. هاتِ ما شِئتَ بالمديح ولا تخشَ
غلوّاً فيهِ وفرطَ ازديادِ
24. If the Father has made her a Mother
To His Son, nursing without corruption.
٢٤. إِن تَكُن قد أصارَها الآبُ أُمّاً
لِابنِهِ مُرضِعاً بغيرِ فَسادِ
25. She gave birth to Him and nurtured Him as God,
While she was a virgin before and after giving birth.
٢٥. وَلَدَتهُ وأَرضَعَته الهاً
وَهيَ بِكرٌ قبلاً وبعدَ الوِلادِ
26. She was filled with grace so she surpassed
And transcended every virtue above praise.
٢٦. مُلِئَّت نِعمةً فسادت وشادت
كلَّ فضلٍ يعلو على مدحِ شادِ
27. So with what praise can one describe a virgin
Who harmonized the furthest opposites?
٢٧. فبأَيِّ المديحِ تَنعَتُ بِكراً
أَلَّفَت بينَ ابعدِ الأَضدادِ
28. So it is impossible to praise the Mother of God,
Whom the angels hymned at the birth.
٢٨. فمُحالٌ مديحُ امِّ الهٍ
شمَّتتها الأَملاكُ في المِيلادِ
29. God sanctified the mention of her whenever
Her sweet name flourished in every assembly.
٢٩. قَدَّسَ اللَهُ ذِكرَها كلَّما فا
حَ شَذاهُ اللذيذُ في كلِّ نادِ