1. Do not be amazed by those who gratify the bodies, for beasts
Have been tamed, yet man was not gratified.
١. لا تَعجَبَنَّ بمَن راضوا الجسومَ فقد
تروَّضَ الوحشُ كيفَ الإِنسُ لم يُرَضِ
2. They set out to gratify the delicate soul, but their
Arrows did not miss that target.
٢. قد اغرضوا غَرَضَ الرُوحِ المُنيف فما
أَخطَت سِهامُهُمُ عن ذلكَ الغَرَضِ
3. And they turned away from it, from the attributes of their bodies.
Is not the essence of the body the most despised of accidents?
٣. واعرضوا فيهِ عن أعراض جِسمهمِ
هل جوهرُ الجِسمِ إلا أَدنَسُ العَرَضِ
4. And others discarded turning away from it. Therefore
They exposed themselves to accidents and mishaps.
٤. وغيرُهم نَبَذوا الإِعراضَ عنهُ لذا
تعرَّضوا منهُ للأَعراضِ والعَرَض
5. Great is the difference between one healthy but ill
And one distressed by the utmost illness and extinction.
٥. شَتّانَ بينَ صحيحٍ ما بهِ سَقَمٌ
وبينَ مُضنىً بحدِّ السُقمِ منقرِض
6. And between one who gratified a vanishing body
And one content with it and gratified.
٦. وبينَ من راضَ جسماً ذابَ من قَشَفٍ
وبينَ ذي رَفَهٍ راضٍ بهِ ورضي
7. Verily the weak live on beans, while the
Strong eat everything without objection.
٧. ان الضعيفَ لَيَقتاتُ البُقولَ بَلِ ال
قويُّ ياكل كلاً غيرَ معترضِ
8. So a man's regimen in the heyday of his health
Is to ignore medicine, like indulgence in sickness.
٨. فحِميةُ المرءِ في إِبَّانَ صِحَّتِهِ
بَمعرِضِ الطِبِّ كالتغليظ في المَرَضِ