
God saw Himself fully in the mirror of His essence

رأى الله كليا بمرآة ذاته

1. God saw Himself fully in the mirror of His essence
And that was by the act of intellect, so He was imprinted

١. رأى اللَهُ كليّاً بمِرآةِ ذاتهِ
وذاكَ بفِعلِ العقلِ فانطبَعَت طَبعا

2. And by this He established a substantial image
Since attributes cannot be separated from His essence

٢. وقامَ بهذا صورةً جوهريةً
لما كانتِ الاعراضُ عن ذاتِهِ منعا

3. So from His rational intellect He brought forth a word
That is a Son to Him, called His Son and Offspring

٣. فمن عقلِهِ النُطقيّ أَصدَرَ كِلمةً
هِيَ ابنٌ لهُ يُسمَى ومولودَهُ يُدعى

4. Begotten by understanding, alive resembling Him
Identical to His source, indeed one with Him in essence

٤. لتوليدِهِ بالفَهمِ حَيّاً مُشابهاً
لمبداهُ بل هُو واحدٌ مَعَهُ طَبعا

5. And to understand the Father is sufficient, fertile satisfaction
To a purpose that does not accept infinite regression

٥. ويَكفي لفَهمِ الآبِ مقنع خصبهِ
إلى غايةٍ لا تقبلُ الدَورَ والرجُعى

6. So the Father remains ever begetting Him, the Son
As the radiance of the sun emanates its ray

٦. فما زالَ مولوداً لهُ الآبُ والدٌ
ولادَ شُعاعِ الشمسِ تُنبِعُه نبعا

7. Thus our word in our intellect is an attribute, verily
It fades, and consciousness empties what it contained

٧. فكِلمتُنا في عقلنا عَرَضٌ لَقَد
يزولُ وان الوعيُ يفرِغُ ما أَوعى

8. But in the divine intellect is a substance
Free of defect, eternal, lofty in elevation

٨. ولكنَّ في العقلِ الالهيّ جوهراً
تبرَّأَ من نقصٍ قيومٌ سَما رَفعا

9. By it He loved and by it His Son
Each loved the other to the extent of capacity

٩. فسُرَّ بهِ واحبَّهُ وكذا ابنُه
احبَّ اباهُ ما اطاقا لهُ وُسعا

10. And that love in them both never ceased
Reciprocating union, endless in perpetuity

١٠. وما بَرِحَت تلكَ المحبَّةُ فيهما
مردّدةً وصلاً ولا تنتهي قطعا

11. Though it is the act of will in both
To unite essence, not dual or multitude

١١. على أَنَّها فعلُ الإِرادة منهما
لتوحيد طبعٍ ليس مُثنىً ولا جمعا

12. By it both breathed the Comforting Spirit, each
With the power of one act working through them

١٢. بها بَثَقا الرُوحَ المعزّي كِلاهُما
بقُوَّة فعلٍ واحدٍ فيهما يَسعى

13. So the Father is the First Cause, primal
And original, and the Son fulfilled its branch

١٣. فما الآب الا عِلَّةٌ أَوَّليَّةٌ
وأَصليَّةٌ والإِبنُ قامَ لها فَرعا

14. And the Son is a caused cause
By the pouring forth of the Spirit, in nature not convention

١٤. وما الإِبنُ الا عِلَّةٌ مستمدَّةٌ
بفيض انبثاق الروح بالطبع لا وضعا

15. And the Spirit is emanated from them both
Like a breath of love, whose affair is giving and grace

١٥. وما الروحُ الا صادرٌ من كِلَيهِما
كنفخةِ حُبٍّ شأنُهُ الجودُ والإِرعا

16. Transcendent above analogies and parables is a palm tree
The Father is its trunk, fertile its stature

١٦. تعالى عن الأَشباهِ والمِثلِ نخلةٌ
هو الآب إِضٌّ منبِتٌ خِصبُهُ جِزعا

17. Thus this trunk produced its fronds
Say verily the two brought forth the frond

١٧. كذاك وهذا الجذعُ اطلعَ طَلعَهُ
فقُل إِنَّما الإِثنانِ قد بَثَقا الطَلعا

18. Or the Father is a sun, and its ray and light
Are the Son and the Spirit, both sent as partners

١٨. او الآب شمسٌ والشُعاعُ ونُورُهُ
هما الابنُ والروحُ اللذانِ ارسِلا شَفعا

19. Thus that light is from that ray, and that
Ray is from the sun which radiates its glimmer

١٩. فذا النورُ من ذاك الشُعاعِ وذلكَ ال
شُعاعُ من الشمسِ الذي يَبثُقُ اللَمعا

20. Or the Father is fire, its glow the Son, its
Warmth the Spirit, for sublimeness the light not innovation

٢٠. او الآبُ نارٌ ضؤُها الابنُ رُوحُهُ
حَرارتُها للعلولةُ الضوءِ لا بِدعا

21. Or the Father is a spring, the Son its river
And their Spirit the pouring water, as is called

٢١. او الآبُ عينُ الماءِ والابنُ نهرُها
ورُوحُهما الماءُ المُفاضُ كما يُدعى

22. Or the soul has three powers, yet it
Is one in essence, believe and beware of deception

٢٢. او النفسُ ذات قوى ثلثٍ وانَّها
لَواحدةٌ ذاتاً فثِق واحذَرِ الخَدعا

23. And brings forth two effects, the form of its understanding
And love of its will, so ignore its defect and beware

٢٣. وتُصدِرُ مفعولينِ صورةُ فَهمها
وحُبُّ ارادتها فدَع نقصَها وارعَى

24. The rest of its form is that it
Was created in the image of God's essence innovation

٢٤. بقيَّةُ ما فيها من الرسمِ أَنَّها
بصُورةِ ذاتِ اللَهِ قد بُدِعَت بدعا

25. So in God there is a single essence, and by it
Two processions, so listen, O youth, and hear keenly

٢٥. ففي اللَهِ طبعٌ واحدٌ وكذا بهِ
صُدورانِ فاسمَع يا فتى وأَصِخ سمَعا

26. The begetting of a Son from comprehending His essence
And breathing a Spirit from His all-encompassing love

٢٦. وُلودةُ ابنٍ عن تعقُّلِ ذاتِهِ
ونفخةُ روحٍ عن محبَّتهِ الوُسعَى

27. Thus was the named divine essence
Triune in persons, unified in essence

٢٧. بذا كانتِ الذاتُ السميُّ جَلالُها
مثلَّثةً شخصاً موحَّدةً طبعا

28. It is the Father, the only Son, and His Spirit
A union in essence, not accepting multitude

٢٨. هِيَ الآبُ والابنُ الوحيدُ وروحُهُ
فجمعٌ بحَسبِ الطبعِ لن يَقبَلَ الجمعا

29. Three unshared properties, if
You add what pertains to the two, lawfully

٢٩. ثلثُ خواصٍ غيرُ منقولةٍ اذا
أَضَفتَ اليها ما لإِثنَيهما شَرعا

30. The relational terms become four in
Number, thus speech firmly established without splitting

٣٠. يَكُنَّ الاضافاتِ الرُباعيَّ عَدُّها
وذا القولُ بالتمكين قد عَدِمَ الصَدعا

31. Fatherhood of a Father, sonship in His Son
Procession of a Spirit, its effect came fourth

٣١. أُبوَّةُ آبٍ والبُنُوَّةُ في ابنِهِ
وبثقٌ لروحٍ جاءَ مفعولهُ ربعا

32. Add for the Father being without origin
You will see five rational terms, so magnify His making

٣٢. فضِف ذي لكونِ الآب من غيرِ مبدإٍ
تَرَ العرفياتِ الخمسَ فاعظِم بها صُنعا

33. For the Son is the Father's nature out of His essence
And for the Spirit this from the unity of essence is required

٣٣. فللإِبنِ طبعُ الآب من ذات نتجهِ
وللرُوحِ ذا من وَحدةِ الطبعِ مُستَدعى

34. Thus the Son is called Begotten, and His Spirit
Is not begotten, thus be content with this restraint

٣٤. لذا الابنُ مولوداً يُسمَّى ورُوحُهُ
فليسَ بمولودٍ وقَدكَ بذا قنعا

35. Eve shall we not call the daughter of Adam
Though she came from him by what was taken, a rib

٣٥. فحوَّاءُ لن ندعو بها ابنةَ آدمٍ
وإِن صَدَرَت منهُ بما أُخِذَت ضِلعا

36. But rather we call his son he who is to him
By an act for which there is likeness in essence, not convention

٣٦. ولكنما ندعو ابنَهُ مَن هو لهُ
بفعلٍ لهُ التشبيهُ في ذاتِهِ وضعا

37. And this Son is Firstborn, not as if His begetting
Was preceded by a begetting, that is abhorred innovation

٣٧. وذا الإِبنُ بِكرٌ لا كأَنَّ وُلودَهُ
تَلاهُ وُلودٌ ان ذي بِدعةٌ شُنعى

38. But because before His begetting
There was no begetting, that should suffice to deter you

٣٨. ولكن لأَن ما كانَ قبل وُلودِهِ
وِلادٌ وذا رَدٌّ كفاكَ بهِ رَدعا

39. He is Firstborn in the divine intellect, as
He embodied from a firstborn, and did not accept planting

٣٩. هو البِكرُ في العقلِ الالهيِ حَسبَما
تجسَّدَ من بِكرٍ وما اقتبلَت زرعا

40. And united with the person between two natures
Of God and man, and we did not multiply essence

٤٠. وأَتحد بالأَقنومِ بين طبيعَتي
الهٍ وانسانٍ وما ثَلَنا طبعا

41. Disappeared the completion of the plan of our salvation
And his substitution in his death did us benefit

٤١. وغِبَّ انتِها تدبيرِ امر خلاصنا
وابدالهِ في موتهِ ضَرَّنا نفعا

42. He ascended on high, and the apostles gaze at him
And gained for us the supreme intercession with the Sublime Father

٤٢. رَقِي للعُلى والرُسلُ محدقةٌ بهِ
وحازَ لدى الآبِ العليِّ لنا الشُفعى

43. And he sent the Comforting Spirit to his apostles
As his promise, and the eye from it watches over them

٤٣. وقد ارسلَ الرُوحَ المعزّي لرُسلِهِ
كمَوعِدِه والعينُ منهُ لهم تَرعَى

44. And the Spirit's gifts are not but his essence
He gave them and granted them his seven gifts

٤٤. وليسَ عطايا الروحِ بل هو ذاتُهُ
اتاهم وأَولاهم مواهبَهُ السَبعا

45. Like tongues of fire settling upon them
Endowing them with support, removing from them disgrace

٤٥. كأَلسُنِ نار مستقرّاً عليهمِ
حباهُمُ تأييداً نفى عنهم السبعا

46. And they had feared the wolves, but became
By the transformational power of the seven, they will not fear

٤٦. وكانوا ليَخشَونَ الذِئاب فاصبحوا
بحَول الهِباتِ السبعِ لن يَتَّقوا

47. And they were men of faint frightened spirit
But came forth emboldened by the Spirit's hands, they will not dread violence

٤٧. وكانوا أُولي رُوحٍ جَزُوعٍ مروَّعٍ
فاضحوا بأَيد الرُوحِ لن يختشوا النَقعا

48. Men without armor, but when equipped
With the Spirit as aid for Him, they donned armor

٤٨. رِجالٌ بلا دِرعٍ فلما تدرَّعوا
من الروح تأييداً لهُ اشتَمَلوا دَرعا

49. And they had been blindly stumbling, their chests
Became illuminated with guidance, abundantly pouring knowledge

٤٩. وكانوا بدَرّ الجهلِ حُفلى ضُروعُهم
فأَمسى نُهاهم بالحِجى حافلاً ضَرعا

50. With feet firm in the footing of preaching they went
With every steadiness not calling their feet

٥٠. بإِقدام أَقدام البِشارةِ قد سَعَوا
بكلِّ استواء ما بِهِم قَدَمٌ فَدعا

51. I avoid the people of discord and what they came with
In the procession of the Spirit, and count them crippled

٥١. أَني اجتَنِب اهلَ الشِقاقِ وما أَتَوا
بهِ في انبِثاقِ الروحِ واحسَبهُم صَرعى

52. For every misguided one claims rectitude and surety
Worthy that you pelt his ignorance with tears

٥٢. فكلُّ مُضلٍّ يَدَّعي الرُشدَ والحِجى
حَريٌّ بان تُهمي على جَهلهِ الدمعا

53. And be not deceived by their many vain prattlings
When they prattle nonsense, though prattling prosody

٥٣. ولا تتخادَع من شقاشِقِ هَذرِهم
إذا سجعوا هذراً وان هَذَروا سجعا

54. If they hesitate, then make a condition for their deception
And if they approach, then refrain, deceiving them with a slap

٥٤. فان أحجَموا فاشرُط قَذالَ خِداعِهم
وان أَقدَموا فاحجُم أَخادِعَهُم صفعا

55. The protecting lairs of the innovators have crowded, so one who nears
A lair will not be safe from insult and wounding

٥٥. تَحامَ حُماتِ المُبدِعينَ فمَن دنا
إلى حُمَةٍ لا يأمنِ اللسبَ واللسعا

56. Do not join ties and do not go near an ally
Lest he make you recoil stung, here I caution you

٥٦. ولا تَصِلَن صِلاً ولا تقرُبِ الصِلى
فيرديكَ ذ لدغاً وهاتيكُمُ لذعا

57. For that one, by God, his tongue is faithless
He is a venomous scorpion fascinated in playing with snakes

٥٧. فذاكَ وأَيمُ اللَهِ أَيمٌ لسانُهُ
وهو عقربٌ مسمومةٌ في لَهى أَفعى

58. Rather strive towards the teaching of Peter's party
For none who strives with its teaching goes astray

٥٨. بل اسعَ إلى تعليمِ بِيعةِ بِطرُسٍ
فما ضلَّ من يَسعى بتعليمِها مَسعى

59. I have adopted its belief as a safeguard through it
And one who rejects imitation necessitates splitting

٥٩. تقلَّدتُ في إِيمانها عِصمةً بهِ
ومن أَنكرَ التقليد يستوجب القدعا

60. I die upon it, and if I live then I
Hold fast to the protected faith in scarce company

٦٠. اموتُ عليهِ وان حييتُ فانَّني
بُمعتَصم الإِيمان في قُلَّةٍ مَنعا