1. Say, what is the source of heresies
And the hypocritical allegiance
١. قُل مَنبَعُ الأَراتِقَه
والبِيعةُ المُنافِقَه
2. The allegiance of Constantinople
Mother of the corrupt thrones
٢. بِيعةُ قُسطنطينةٍ
أُمّ الكراسي الفاسقه
3. Never ceasing to disobey
The Merciful, a rebel she remains
٣. من طاعةِ الرحمانِ ما
زالت عَقُوقاً مارقه
4. Violating her Lord's commandments
Deluded and defiant is she
٤. عقَّت وصايا ربَها
فَهيَ الغَرُورُ العاققه
5. Turning away from keeping them
With the rejection of an obstinate girl
٥. وأَعرَضَت عن حِفظِها
أعراض بنتٍ مائقه
6. She ripped apart the cloak of guidance
With disbelief, ruined is she
٦. قد مزَّقَت بُردَ الهُدى
بالكُفر فهيَ المازقه
7. Arrogant and theft she committed
With ostentation and hypocrisy
٧. تعظَّمت واستَرَقَت
بالنجهِ والمُصالَقه
8. Claiming what belongs to others
And denying the truth
٨. عُنوانَ ما لغيرها
وكذَّبَت حقائقَه
9. Including in her creed
Misguidance and conformity
٩. تضمَّنت بالالتزا
مِ الغَيَّ والمطابقه
10. Willfully denying
The truthful allegiance of Rome
١٠. فكذَّبت تعمُّداً
بِيعةَ رُوما الصادِقه
11. Her toes have become
Agile in every dancing manner
١١. وقد غَدَت أَنمُلُها
لكلِّ رَتقٍ فاتقه
12. She sailed in the sea of her ignorance
And in it she drowned
١٢. عامت ببحرِ جهلها
وفيهِ أَمسَت غارقه
13. Severed from her head
Like a thieving oath
١٣. وانقَطَعت من رأسِها
قَطعَ اليمينِ السارقه
14. How much ruin did Allah send her
Earthquakes and thunderbolts
١٤. كم أنزلَ اللَهُ بها
زَلزَلةً وصاعقه
15. A humiliating calamity
Like piercing arrows
١٥. ونَكبةً مُصمِيَةً
مثلَ السِهام الراشقه
16. Never ceasing to open
The door of disobedience knocking
١٦. ما فَتِئَت مُكديةً
بابَ المعاصي طارقه
17. Stripped of all
Kinds of splendid glories
١٧. قد عُرِّيَت من كل
أنواع المباهي الرائقه
18. Her faces emptied
Of sublime traits
١٨. وقد خَلَت أَوجُهُها
من الخِلالِ الفائقه
19. Allah decreed her to be
Rightfully divorced
١٩. قضى عليها اللَه أن
تكونَ شرعاً طالقه
20. She disgraced herself before Him
So she was shunned and abandoned
٢٠. عابت لديهِ فجُوزِيَت
بالهجر والمفارقه
21. A woman of many husbands
She became intimate with them
٢١. ذاتُ بُعولٍ جَمَّةٍ
اضحت لهم مُعانِقه
22. Each an infidel of some kind
Clinging to her
٢٢. من كلِّ شخصٍ منهمُ
بنوعِ كُفرٍ عالقه
23. They crept to seduce her
By seizing and racing her
٢٣. جَرَوا الى اقتِضاضِها
بالخَطف والمسابقه
24. They climbed up to her
Since they tasted pleasure from her
٢٤. رَقُوا اليها بالرُقى
مُذ راقَهُم منها رَقَه
25. People whose hypocrisies
Are obvious and hypocritical
٢٥. قومٌ نِفاقاتُهُمُ
دارجةٌ ونافقه
26. Deceiving the pious
Leaving them with no trust
٢٦. قد أَوهَمُوا اهل التُقَى
فاصبحوا بلا ثِقه
27. Tempting them
With deceit and hypocrisy
٢٧. وقد اغرُّوا بِهِمِ
بالخَتر والمنافقه
28. Their mouths never stopped
Speaking every disgraceful thing
٢٨. أَفواهُهم ما بَرِحَت
بكلّ خِزيٍ ناطقه
29. And their eyes intend harm
Looking and plotting
٢٩. والعينُ منهم في الأَذى
ناظرةٌ ورامقه
30. Their minds on her lands
Are piercing and clever
٣٠. وبالدَها افكارُهم
ثاقبةٌ وحاذقه
31. All their patriarchs' heads
Are mitred and lofty
٣١. رُؤُوسها كُلُّهُمُ
بطاركٌ بطارقه
32. Each one becoming
A conceited deacon
٣٢. كل امرئٍ منهم غدا
شَمَّاسُهُ غُرانِقَه
33. Now armed as warriors
Swords adorning their shoulders
٣٣. أَضحَوا وكلٌّ منهمُ
والسيفُ يَحمِي عاتِقَه
34. Ruling tyrannically
Seeking what benefits them
٣٤. متسلطاً برئَاسةٍ
يَبغي بها ما وافَقَه
35. Their hands on the staff
Of oppressing subjects aligned
٣٥. ايديهمِ على عَصا
ظُلم الرعايا طابقه
36. A gang without mercy or conscience
Like the atheists
٣٦. لا دَرَّ دَرُّ عُصبةٍ
لا رحمةٌ ولا مِقَه
37. So let not their clouds deceive you
Even if you see lightning
٣٧. كأَنَّهم لم يُوقِنوا
بالبعثِ كالزنادقه
38. They attacked in the way of God's people
Like giants
٣٨. فلا يَغُرَّك غيمُهم
ولو رأَيت بارقَه
39. Oh what evil roots
That grew branches of wickedness so high
٣٩. تعرَّضوا في سُبلِ شعبِ
اللَهِ كالعمالقه
40. So many sins they have
Present and past
٤٠. يا لأُصولٍ أَفرَعَت
أَغصانَ لُؤمٍ باسقه
41. They lifted the veils of their disbelief
And opened its secrets
٤١. فكَم لَهُم مَعصِيةً
حاليَّةً وسابقه
42. They flaunted their misdeeds
And facilitated tribulations
٤٢. نَضَوا نِقابَ كُفرِهم
وفتَّحوا مغالَقَه
43. And extinguished the light of guidance
Darkening its horizons
٤٣. وعرَّضوا طائلهُ
ورحَّبوا مَضايِقَه
44. Poems of satire describing them
Are fitting and deserved
٤٤. وأَطفأُوا نُورَ الهُدى
وغرَّبوا مَشارِقَه
45. May Allah protect us from the harm
Of their heretical religion
٤٥. قصائدُ الهجوِ بهم
لائقةٌ ولابقه
46. And preserve with Your care the nation
That trusts none but You
٤٦. اللَهُ صُنّا من أَذى
ذي المِلَّةِ المشاقِقه
47. By Mary the pure
The best of chaste girls
٤٧. واحفَظ بيُمنِكَ أُمَّةً
ليست بغيرِك واثقه
48. For she protects us
From the slavery of sins
٤٨. بمريمِ الطُهرِ التي
هي خيرُ بِكرٍ عاتقه
49. She whose lights have become
Radiant in every corner
٤٩. فَهيَ لنا من رِقّ سُل
طانِ المعاصي عاتقه
50. Of gifts and favors sublime
And virtues most lofty
٥٠. من قد غدت أضواؤُها
في كل قُطرٍ شارقه
51. From us come the finest praises
Flowing to her spontaneously
٥١. ذاتُ العطايا والسجا
يا والمزايا الفائقه
52. So many gifts she has
Preceding and succeeding
٥٢. نُجُبَ المدائح نحوَها
منا القرائحُ سائقه
53. It is she who reconciled us
Before God most high
٥٣. كم ذا لها من أَنعُمٍ
سابقةٍ ولاحقه
54. Peace from Allah be upon her
From all speaking creation
٥٤. هذي التي لفَتفنا
عند الالهِ راتقه
55. The blossoms of meadows have diffused
A fragrance that fills the breath of one smelling
٥٥. لها سلامُ اللَهِ من
كل البرايا الناطقه
٥٦. ما فاحَ من زهر الرُبى
نشرٌ يُلِذُّ ناشقَه