
My excuse, if you judge fairly, is clear,

العذر إن أنصفت متضح

1. My excuse, if you judge fairly, is clear,
and my tears for your love are testimony.

١. العُذرُ إن أنصفتَ مُتّضِحُ
وشهيُد حبِّكَ أدمعٌ سُفُحُ

2. Your conscience has revealed its secrets -
eyes that speak are articulate and eloquent.

٢. فَضَحَت ضميَرك عن ودائعهِ
إن الجفونَ نواطقٌ فُصُحُ

3. When eyes speak with their inscrutable language,
the mystery is revealed.

٣. واذا تكلمتِ العيونُ على
إعجامِها فالسرُّ مُفتضِحُ

4. Sometimes I refuse a moon that embraces me -
in its beauty are flirtatious glances.

٤. رُبَما أبيتُ معانقي قمرٌ
للحُسنِ فيهِ مخايلٌ تَضِحُ

5. Beauty has spread its charms over his features,
dispelling cares with pleasure and joy.

٥. نَشَرَ الجمالُ على محاسنه
بدعا وأذهبَ همَّه الفَرحُ

6. He struts in the garb of youth,
playful, though your sickness makes you weak.

٦. يختال في حُلَلِ الشبابِ به
مَرحٌ وداؤك انه مَرِحُ

7. His pillows still kiss me,
the ewer and the cup exalt me,

٧. ما زالَ يُلثِمُني مراشفُه
ويعُلُّني الأبريقُ والقَدَحُ

8. until the night reclaims its raiment
and the darkness fades into dawn.

٨. حتّى استردَ الليلُ خِلعتَه
ونشا خلاَ سوادِه وَضَحُ

9. The morning appears as if its radiance
were the face of the caliph when praised.

٩. وبدا الصباحُ كأنَّ غُرَّتَه
وجهُ الخليفةِ حينَ يُمتَدَحُ

10. The world has spread its charms for you,
and praise is adorned by your qualities.

١٠. نَشَرت بكَ الدنيا محاسِنَها
وتَزَيّنَت بصفاتِكَ المِدَحُ

11. It's as if what is absent from you
appears before your gaze like a specter.

١١. وكأنَّ ما قَد غابَ عنكض له
بإزاءِ طرفِكَ عارِضاً شَبَحُ

12. When you are safe, each misfortune
is majesty - no harm or grief.

١٢. واذا سَلِمتَ فكلُّ حادثةٍ
جَلَلٌ فلا بُؤسٌ ولا تَرَحُ