
O you who is drowned in his delusions

دع العالم

1. O you who is drowned in his delusions
Under which he raves the days of his life

١. أيها الغارق في أوهامه
تحتها يهذي مدى أيامِهِ

2. Arise, leave your delusion to pass and feel that
Perhaps what is present is not in his cup

٢. قم ودع وهْمك يمضي واحْسُ إنْ
عَلَّكَ الحاضِرُ ما في جامِه

3. How good is reality with its joys
We take sips from it and from its sorrows

٣. حبذا الواقعُ من أفراحه
نحتسي طورا ومن آلامه

4. Crying desperately will not benefit a man
If he saw the world in its illnesses

٤. لن يفيد المرء يبكي هلعا
أن رأى العالم في أسقامه

5. Do I fear the night from its ghosts
And the wailing of my eyes from its dreams?

٥. أنخاف الليل من أشباحه
و نشيح الطرف عن أحلامه ؟

6. And do we hoot while we listen closely
Not to a bird that melted in its melodies?

٦. و لبوم نحن نصغي جيدا
لا لطير ذاب في أنغامه ؟

7. We are used to the heat so much that
We do not care for the morning in its breeze

٧. قد ألفنا الحر حتى أننا
لا نبالي الصبح في أنسامه

8. So leave the world be, do not torment yourself with it
You cannot heal it from its tumors with your crying

٨. فدع العالم لا تشقى به
ليس يشفى بك من أورامه