1. The water of life is in my poetry, then its spring
What is poetry if it does not embody a living being?
١. ماء الحياة بشعري ثمَّ منبعه
ما الشعر لم يَتَمثلْ كائنا حيا؟
2. On his cheek appears the face of its owner
If the face of this one disappears, poetry is nothing
٢. على محياه يبدو وجْهُ صاحبه
إن اختفى وجه ذا فالشعر لا شيَّا
3. Be a poet who is reflected in his poem
His reader sees him walking with it
٣. كن شاعرا يتمرأى في قصيدته
يراه قارئه يمشي بها مشيا
4. He reaps rhymes from inspiration ripely
The steeds of verse run for him without tiring
٤. يجني القوافي من الإلهام يانعة
خيل القريض له تجري ولا تعيا
5. He quenches him from his pulse, sincerely, and makes him drink
Melody and beautiful meaning that awakens consciousness
٥. يسقيه من نبضه صدقا ويترعه
شدوا ومعنى جميلا يوقظ الوعيا
6. The recipient is never sated by its fruits
And cannot bear distance or separation from it
٦. لا يشبع المتلقي من فواكهه
و عنه ليس يطيق البعد والنأيا
7. This is poetry in its purest ores
So beware corrupting it, O refined and acute one
٧. هذا هو الشعر في أنقى معادنه
فاحذر به الشوْب يا ذا الذوقِ والليّا