
A conquest whose conquest extends through the eras

فتح يطاول فتحه الأحقابا

1. A conquest whose conquest extends through the eras
The misguided factions submitted to it, necks bent

١. فتحٌ يُطاولُ فَتحُهُ الأحقابا
خَضَعَت لَهُ فِرَقُ الضَّلالِ رِقَابا

2. And the guardian felt fear of it
It came upon them, going and coming

٢. واستشعَرَ المُرَّاقُ مِنهُ مَخَافَةً
مَلَكَت عليهِم جيئَةً وذهابا

3. And it made what was left of their life, now pure
Turbid, and bitterness therein sweetened

٣. وغدا به ما قد صفا من عَيشِهِم
كدراً وما فيهِ الحلاوةُ صَابا

4. Wednesday belongs to God, for on it
He brought souls to life and fulfilled hopes

٤. لِلّه يَومُ الأربعاءِ فإنَّهُ
أحيا النُفوسَ وتمَّمَ الآرابا

5. The era was ennobled that you would be a father to it
What protection and shelter!

٥. شَرُفَ الزمان بأن تكون أباً لهُ
ما إن إن جِبابا

6. Your rule encompassed supporter and opponent
With mercy in every land, and punishment

٦. وَسِعَ المُوالي والمُعادِي حُكمُهُ
في كُلِّ أرضٍ رَحمَةً وَعَذابا

7. And it enabled the son of Isaac to place
Humiliation on his snout, his talk traversing the eras

٧. وَسَمَ ابن إسحاقٍ على خُرطومِهِ
خِزياً يَنالُ حَدِيثُهُ الأحقابا

8. Misfortune ambitiously sought the people of Qafsah and climbed
With them the steep and harsh heights

٨. طَمحَ الشَقاءُ بأهلِ قَفصَةَ وارتقى
بِهمُ شواهِقَ صَعبَةً وعِقَابا

9. And their obstinacy before refused them
That they see the punishment, turning and repenting

٩. وأبى لهم إصرارُهم من قبلِ أن
رَأوُا العذابَ إنابَةً ومَتابا

10. It did not avail them when there came upon them from on high
To guard the walls and doors

١٠. لَم يُغن عَنهُم إذ أتاهُم مِن عَلٍ
أن يَحرسُوا الأسوارَ والأبوابا

11. Their appointed times sought them below the soil and above it
So they tossed about distractedly

١١. طَلَبتهُمُ تحتَ التُرابِ وفوقَهُ
آجالُهُم فَتَولَّجُوا الأسرابا

12. The rage of the Caliph struck them after
Ruin called for their souls and terrified them

١٢. نالتهمُ رُحمى الخليفةِ بَعدَما
نادى الرَّدى بِنُفوسِهِم وأهابا

13. Clear signs of victory, all
Astonished the intellects with what they brought

١٣. آياتُ نصرٍ بيناتٌ كلها
بهرت بما جاءت بهِ الألبابا

14. And a wondrous happiness that subdues the strength of enemies
Gently and breaks their determination

١٤. وسعادةٌ عجبٌ تهدُّ قوى العدا
هداً وتقصِمُ منهمُ الأصلابا

15. It singled out a rightly-guided Imam for the wilderness
Pious, God-fearing, humble and well-behaved

١٥. خصت إماماً للبريةِ مجتبىً
براً تقياً خاشعاً أوابا

16. A king on whom there is a royal anointing
The era put on its beauty like a cloak

١٦. ملكٌ عليهِ مسحةٌ ملكيةٌ
لبسَ الزمانُ جمالها جلبابا

17. They shone joyfully before sights like the beauty of Joseph
And David illuminates the prayer niche through it

١٧. بهجوا على الأبصار بهجةَ يُوسفٍ
ويضيء داودُ بهِ المحرابا

18. Praising the Imam is an act of worship through which we hope
For the honor of life and to attain salvation

١٨. مدحُ الإمامِ عبادةٌ نرجُو بها
عزَّ الحياةِ وأن تفوزَ مآبا

19. Our minds have not travelled in praising him
Except that the palaces were a returning place for it

١٩. ما سافرَت أذهاننا في مدحهِ
إلا وكان لها القصورُ إيابا

20. He who does not see the rightness of his position
Does not know the rightness of his position or its full extent

٢٠. لم يدرِ حقَّ مقامِهِ من لا يرى
من دُونِ حقِّ مقامِهِ الإطنابا