1. I have realized the hopes of the Law in vengeance
And left the rhythms of their groups scattered
١. أدركت آمالَ الشريعة في العدا
وتركت نظم جموعهم متبددا
2. And I checked their violent attacks short of the goal
After they sought to gain more ground
٢. وكففت من دون المدى جمحاتهم
من بعد ما راموا المزيد على المدى
3. And I made their resolutions submit to your resolutions
That sufficed instead of swords to be girded
٣. وثنت عزائمهم عزائمك التي
أغنت عن الأسياف أن تتقلدا
4. And their armies' seas were fragmented
When your army's turbulent sea came to them
٤. وتضحضحت فرقاً بحورُ جيوشهم
لما أتاهم بحر جيشكَ مُزبدا
5. They threw down the sharp swords
With which they uproot the near and the far
٥. ألقوا بأيديهم مافةَ صولةٍ
تستأصِلُ الأدنى بها والأبعدا
6. And they surrendered when they did not see under the ground
A way out or above the ground an ascent
٦. واستسلموا إذ لم يروا تحت الثرى
نفقاً ولا فوقَ الثريا مصعداً
7. The world has not brought forth one like you, supporting
The religion, triumphant over the banners of vengeance
٧. ما جاءت الدنيا بمثلكَ ناصراً
للدين منصورَ اللواءِ على العدا
8. Highest of kings in power and most impregnable in protection
Broadest in clemency and farthest in reach
٨. أعلى الملوكِ يداً وأمنعهُم حمىً
واعمهم صفحاً وأبعدُهُم مدى
9. He brought justice and generosity to the world so it transgressed
This was their shade and this their watering place
٩. عمَّ الورى عدلاً وجوداً فاغتدى
هذا لهم ظِلا وهذا مورِدا
10. Generosity was not what had been in the nature of life
But it saw the gifts in him so it emulated
١٠. ما الجُودُ مما كان في طبعِ الحيا
لكن رأى منهُ المواهِبَ فاقتدى
11. The star, had it not traveled on the wings of darkness
And seen a guide in his guidance, would not have found its way
١١. والنجمُ لو لم يسرِ في جُنحِ الدجا
ورأى دليلاً من هُداهُ لما اهتدى
12. Whenever eyes faced his forehead
They thought it a burning torch
١٢. من حيثُ قابلتِ العيونُ جبينَهُ
حسبت سناهث نيراً متوقدا
13. Eyes were not sated by his brilliance
Save to return to him complaining of dazzle
١٣. لم ترتو الأبصارُ من لألأئه
إلا وعادت نحوهُ تشكو الصدى
14. His glorious raiment was stripped from him so he took
Bearing from it the finest of clothes
١٤. خُلِعَت سريرتُهُ عليهِ فاغتدى
متحملاً منها بأجملِ مُرتدى
15. Islam will never lack from you protection
And care and preservation and vigilance
١٥. لا يعدمُ الإسلامُ منكَ حياطةً
ورعايةً وحمايَةً وتفقدا
16. And your Lord sees you as sufficient for your sons
To watch over the weak and gather the scattered
١٦. وأراكَ رَبُّكَ في بنيكَ كفايةً
ترعى المضاعَ وتجمَعُ المتبددا
17. Joy in them was perfected and fulfilled, and a divine
Grace enveloped them, singling out Muhammad
١٧. كملَ السُرورُ بهم وتمَّ وعمَّهم
فضلٌ إلهي وخصَّ محمدا
18. Congratulations to the Commander of the Faithful for stars
From which the auspicious risings can be divined
١٨. اهنأ أميرَ المؤمنينَ بأنجمٍ
منها تقابِلُ في المطالِعِ أسعدا
19. And God distinguished you with perfection and willed that
Your command should endure for all time
١٩. واللَه خَصَّكَ بالكمالِ وشاءَ أن
يبقى على الأيامِ أمرُكَ سَرمَدا
20. A vision of your most high command in its glory
Judging and its long survival made new
٢٠. رؤيا لأمرِكُم العليِّ بعزِّهِ
تقضي وطُول بقائِهِ متجدِّدا
21. He became a beloved, like his name, when he came
To me in my sleep, supporting me in your praise
٢١. أضحى حبيبٌ كاسمِهِ لمَّا غدا
لي في المنامِ على امتداحِكَ مُنجِدا
22. He enjoined me, so I stood, not failing
To carry out a behest from him, enriched by a gift
٢٢. أوصى إليَّ فقمتُ غيرَ مُضيِّعٍ
لوصايَةٍ منهُ أغني منشدا