
The Imam's wellbeing is the life of all people

برء الإمام حياة الخلق كلهم

1. The Imam's wellbeing is the life of all people
Happiness has spread through him and blessings have poured down

١. برءُ الإمامِ حياةُ الخلقِ كلهم
عمَّ السرورُ به وانثالتِ النعمُ

2. He complained of no weakness except it did him harm
No pillow was soft, no heart free of pain's bite

٢. شكا فلا مقلةً إلا أضرَّ بها
سُهدٌ ولا قلبَ إلا شفهُ ألمُ

3. Fate frowned when he complained and looked
At his radiant, smiling face

٣. تجهم الدهر لما أن شكا وبدا
ببرئهو وهو طلقُ الوجهِ مبتسمُ

4. With his health, hopes grew strong and were revived
And struggled with Saturn in its realm of worries

٤. صحت بصحتهِ الآمالُ وانتعشت
وزاحمت زُحلاً في افقهِ الهممُ

5. He brought justice to the world and clothed it
With light, so no injustice or wrong remained

٥. أفاضَ عدلاً على الدنيا وألبسها
نوراً فلم يبقَ لا ظلمٌ ولا ظلمُ

6. And sowed in every region guidance and dew
So no ignorance or lack was to be found

٦. وبثَّ في كلِّ إقليمٍ هُدى وندى
فليسَ يُوجَدُ لا جهلٌ ولا عدمُ

7. Without his rule, nothing would be mended
No mess remedied, no means set in order

٧. لولا سياسته ما كان ملتئماً
شعثٌ ولا كانت الأسبابُ تنتظمُ

8. And God singles out some with His mercy
Provisions and shares flow by His wisdom

٨. والله يختص أقواماً برحمتهِ
تجري بحكمتهِ الأرزاقُ والقِسَمُ

9. God has wrapped his essence around defending the faith
Those manners and traits have been healed

٩. حاطَ الإلهُ لِنصرِ الدينِ مهجتهُ
وعُوفيت تلكمُ الأخلاقُ والشيمُ