1. Her eyes have the intoxication of wine
And I have the intensity of passion, in part and in whole
١. لها من الرَّشإِ الوَسْنان عَيْناهُ
وبي من الوَجْد أَقْصاه وأَدْناهُ
2. I revealed the moon's face that was veiled from me
Even though it makes me insane and I make it insane
٢. بِنفسيَ القمر المحجوب طلعتُهُ
عنّي وإِن كان يَهواني وأَهواه
3. When I intended to complain, it deceived me
With its mouth, so I bent its branches away from me
٣. إِذا عزمتُ على السُّلوان خادعني
بثغره فثنتْ عنّي ثناياه
4. And it imposed its love on my heart, so it tortured it
And love took hold in my body, so it emaciated me
٤. وَليّ هواهُ على قلبي فَعذّبه
وحكَّم الحبَّ في جسمي فأَضناه