1. Her whiteness fled into the whiteness,
And the parting of youth was a decree of fate.
١. نافرته البيضاء في البيضاء
وانفصال الشباب فصْلَ القضاءِ
2. It led her to chide grey hairs,
That she might coax life with bashfulness.
٢. حاكمَتْه إِلى مُعاتبِة الشَّيْب
لِتَستمطرَ الحَيا بالحَياءِ
3. So the clouds of her eyes burst into rain,
And the day of bliss turned to gloom.
٣. فاستهلّتْ لِبَيْنِها سحبُ عيْنيْهِ
ويومُ النَّوى من الأَنواءِ
4. O youth that I clad in radiance,
The shade passes away and raiment of the radiant fades.
٤. يا شباباً لَبِسْتُه ضافيَ ال
ظلُّ وتبلى مَلابس الأَفياءِ
5. The cool of dusk was a zephyr,
But a breath of wisdom stirred it into passion.
٥. كان بَرْدُ الدُّجى نسيماً
وتهويماً فأَذكته نفْحَةٌ من ذُكاءِ
6. He who has sway over the swords in battle,
And leadership of necks beneath the banner.
٦. مَنْ لهُ طاعةُ الصّوارِمِ في الحر
ب ولَيُّ الأَعناقِ تحت اللّواءِ
7. He who, when called by the hopeful, responds,
Answering his call before the call.
٧. مِنْ مَساعٍ إِذا استغاث به الآ
مِلُ لَبّى نَداه قبل النِّداءِ
8. As if the mantle moulded thee,
When purity formed a mosque with a mantle.
٨. وكأَنَّ القَباء منكَ لما ضَمَّ
مِنَ الطُّهْر مَسْجِدٌ بقُباءِ