
Rejoice Damascus that the throne of its kingdom

ليهن دمشقا أن كرسي ملكها

1. Rejoice Damascus that the throne of its kingdom
Has become to you a breast tightened by cares from it the breast

١. لِيَهْنِ دمشقاً أَن كُرسيّ مُلْكِها
حُبي منك صَدْراً ضاق عن هَمِّه الصَّدْرُ

2. You are the light of religion since you visited its land
It was named after you until its eagle descended, the eagle

٢. وأَنك نورَ الدين مُذْ زُرتَ أَرضها
سمتْ بك حتى انحطّ نَسرها النسر

3. It is the frontier that became sullen in the evenings
And in the morning it snarls at the gate of paradise

٣. هي الثَّغْر أَمسى بالكراديس عابساً
وأَصبح عن باب الفراديس يَفْتَرّ

4. Whether you stopped the horses echoing the call
Over silk from above it the banners of victory

٤. فإِمّا وقفت الخيل ناقعة الصَّدى
على بردى من فوقها الوَرَق النَّصْر

5. After you watered it with the commotion of turmoil
And goaded it while the whites and the red of the bubbles

٥. فمن بعد ما أَوردتها حَوْمةَ الوغى
وأَصدرتها والبيض من عَلَقٍ حُمْر

6. You adorned it with stunning that made its spark vanish
So its spark is no spark and its amber no amber

٦. وجلّلتها نقعاً أَضاع شِياتِها
فلا شُهْبُها شهب ولا شُقْرها شقر

7. The river rose when the reeds battled
A battle in every creek it has a creek

٧. علا النهرُ لما كاثَرَ القصب القنا
مكاثرةً في كل نَحْرٍ لها نَحْرُ

8. And its shores shone with the blood of the enemy
Until the rebels and their clamor flowed copiously

٨. وقد شرِقتْ أَجْرافه بدم العِدى
إِلى أَن جرى العاصي وضحضاحه غَمر

9. You fractured them, the fracture of a glass vessel
None can mend it as not all breaks have a mend

٩. صدعْتَهمُ صَدْعَ الزُّجاجة لا يدٌ
لجابرها ما كلُّ كسرٍ له جَبْر

10. So none can claim glory after it except the dauntless
For he who battled bronze was the glorious

١٠. فلا ينتحل من بعدها الفخرَ دائلٌ
فمن بارز الإِبرنز كان له الفخر

11. And he who raced Antioch against its king
Obeyed by the glance of the crowned fair

١١. ومَنْ بزّ أَنطاكية مِنْ مليكها
أَطاعته أَلحاظُ المُؤلّلَةِ الخُزْر

12. His head came galloping while his corpse rotted
And nothing but the wood of vultures is his grave

١٢. أَتى رأسه ركضاً وغودر شِلْوُهُ
وليس سوى عافي النسور له قبر

13. As fate presented the captive to the barefoot
And more fortunate an era that hosted you as captive

١٣. كما أَهدتِ الأَقدارُ للقمص أَسْرَهُ
وأَسْعَدُ قِرنٍ من حواه لك الأَسْر

14. So it cast its fortresses into your hands
And had it not obeyed willingly, it would come by force

١٤. فأَلْقتْ بأَيديها إِليك حصونُه
ولو لم تُجِبْ طوعاً لجاء بها القَسْر

15. And Azaz became mighty like its name through you
Hard on the two eagles even if it were the den

١٥. وأَمستْ عَزاز كاسمها بك عِزَّةً
تشُقّ على النَّسريْن لو أَنها الوَكْر

16. March on, filling the world with light and delight
So fly to the Far Mosque from this lofty abode

١٦. فسِرْ تملإِ الدُّنيا ضياءً وبَهْجةً
فبالأُفُق الداجي إِلى ذا السَّنا فَقْر

17. It is as if I see this resolve endless is its extent
And its end at the end while the order is fulfilled

١٧. كأَني بهذا العزم لا فُلّ حَدُّه
وأَقصاه بالأَقصى وقد قُضِيَ الأَمر

18. And the Sacred House has become pure in the morning
And nothing but the blood pourer has its purity

١٨. وقد أَصبح البيت المقدَّسُ طاهراً
وليس سوى جاري الدماء له طُهْر

19. And if the coast of the sea reigns as king
No wonder that the sea reigns the coast

١٩. وإِن تتيمَّمْ ساحِل البحر مالكاً
فلا عجبٌ أَن يملِك الساحلَ البحر

20. You unleashed swords that widowed every town
Of its lord, so that the full moons fear you

٢٠. سللتَ سيوفاً أَثكلت كلَّ بلدة
بصاحبها حتى تخوفك البدر

21. When Nur al-Din proceeds in his resolves
Say to the slanderous night the dawn has risen

٢١. إِذا سار نور الدين في عَزَماته
فقُولا لِلَيْلِ الإِفك قد طلَع الفجر

22. They are aspirations: when their swords shook habitations
It has remembrance carried to it an untouched fortress

٢٢. هُمامٌ متى هَزَّت مواضي سيوفه
لها ذكراً زُفّت له قَلْعةٌ بِكْر

23. You adorned the days in robes of exaltation
With garments of flags: praise and gratitude

٢٣. خلعتَ على الأَيّام من حُلَلِ العُلى
ملابِس من أَعلامها الحمد والشكرُ

24. So let not Egypt boast over us with its Nile
For with you we have a Nile, every Egypt has its Nile

٢٤. فلا تفتخر مصرٌ علينا بنيلها
فيمناكَ نيلٌ كلُّ مِصْرٍ به مِصْرُ