
When I contemplate that swaying figure

إذا ما تأملت القوام المهفهفا

1. When I contemplate that swaying figure
I see a sword between its eyelids unsheathed

١. إِذا ما تأَملْت القَوام المُهَفْهَفا
تأَمّلت سيْفاً بين جَفنيْه مُرْهَفا

2. I'm weary of that stony heart, without tenderness
Is it the branch's nature not to bend?

٢. بُليتُ بقاسي القلب لا عَطْفَ عنده
أَما شِيمةٌ للغصن أَن يتعطَّفا

3. The impudent man is led by his aimless wandering
When called, he returns the greeting artificially

٣. وذِي صلفٍ يُغْريه بالتّيه صَمْتُهُ
إِذا سُمْته ردَّ السلامِ تَكَلَّفا

4. An eye that turned from my pains, its own pains turned from it
Why doesn't it cure one it kept awake at night?

٤. وَطَرْفٍ تجلّى عن سَقامي سَقامُه
فهلاّ شفا مَنْ بات منه على شَفا

5. I like to demand union from every distant one
Even if the foe delays and procrastinates

٥. أُحِبُّ اقتضاء الوَصْل من كلِّ هاجرٍ
وإِنْ مَطَلَ الدينَ الغريمُ وسَوّفا

6. I'm content with the promise of a lover though he breaks it
And that I ask a promise which he'll break

٦. وأَقْنعُ من وعد الحبيب بخُلْفِهِ
ومِنْ كَلَفي أَن أَسأَلَ الوعد مُخْلِفا

7. I'm still stopped in passion for a love
That renews for me from a time of dearth what was plentiful

٧. وما زلتُ موقوفَ الغرامِ على هوىً
يُجدّد لي من عهد ظَمْياء ما عَفا

8. A weary brother whom night doesn't awe as a visitor
When the path of life has strayed far from him

٨. أَخا كَلَفٍ لا يرهَب الليل زائراً
إِذا ضلّ نهجَ الحيّ عنه تعسّفا

9. I bid farewell to an absent-minded heart enamored
And bid farewell to a languid eye and downcast

٩. أُودّعُ لُبّي ذاهلَ القلب مُغْرَماً
وأُودِع قلبي فاتر الطّرْف أَهْيفا

10. Youth is gone except remembering what is past
And questions about a time long gone

١٠. تَقَضّى الصِّبا إِلاّ تذكُّرَ ما مضى
وإِلاّ سؤالاً عن زمانٍ تَسَلَّفا

11. And a lost youth which gray hairs have bounded
When it sways eagerly towards youthfulness

١١. وإِلاّ شباباً فلَّلَ الشيبُ حَدَّهُ
إِذا ما هفا نحو التّصابي تَلَهَّفا

12. Fate has turned against me in what it was generous with
It spoiled what it gave and muddied what was clear

١٢. وعاد عليَّ الدهرُ فيما سخا به
فنغّص ما أَعطى وكدَّر ما صَفا

13. But I have left behind calamities
The glory of my faith sufficed me against them

١٣. على أَنني خلّفتُ خَلْفي نوائباً
كفانيَ مجدُ الدين منهنّ ما كفى