
Do you not see the pond’s delight

أَو ما ترى طرب الغدير

1. Do you not see the pond’s delight
When breezes stir its surface bright?

١. أَوَ ما ترى طرب الغدير
إِلى النسيم إِذا تحرّكْ

2. And water playing round its banks
Would cheer you with its pranks.

٢. بل لو رأَيت الماء
يلعب في جوانبه لَسَرَّكْ

3. When dawn wind blows across its face
It comes to you in rippled grace.

٣. وإِذا الصَّبا هبّتْ عليه
أَتاك في ثوبٍ مُفَرَّكْ