1. The pitcher he bears, his brother bears
Both gazelles sip from it, sipping gently
١. ترى الإِبريقَ يحملُه أَخوهُ
كِلا الظَّبْيَيْن يَلْثِمُهُ ارتِشافا
2. He remains like one who weeps among the tribe
Bowing in grief or complaining of giddiness
٢. يَظَلُّ كمُطرِقٍ في القوم يبكي
دماً أَو ناكسٍ يشكو الرُّعافا
3. He checks the swaying of his slender wrists, he tilts
Gently towards the branch in moderation and inclination
٣. يكفِّ مُهفهَف الكَشْحَيْن يُنْمى
إِلى الغُصْنِ اعتدالاً وانعطافا
4. He rotates the cup in his hand slowly
And feeds the wind from his mouth sips
٤. يُدير الكأْس من يده دِهاقاً
ويَسْقي الرّاحَ من فمه سُلافا
5. He offers the rose not from his cheeks
It refuses to be plucked except as a snippet
٥. ويُهدي الوردَ لا مِنْ وَجنتيْه
فَيَأْبى أَخذَه إِلاّ قِطافا
6. When our most melodious singer sings his song
I become bare of all veils for love of him
٦. ومُسْمِعُنا الأَغنُّ إِذا تَغَنّى
خلعت على مَحبَّته العَفافا
7. He increases the joy in my heart until
It almost splits from the intensity of passion
٧. يُضاعِفُ من سرور القلب حتى
يكاد يشُقّ للطرب الشَّغافا