1. Between the languor of my two eyelids and kohl,
He has love from every heart he has charmed,
١. بين فتور المُقلتيْن والكَحَلْ
هوىً له من كلّ قلبٍ ما انتحلْ
2. He was wary of their deadly glances,
Don't you see how gently those gazelles walk?
٢. تَوَقَّ من فتكتها لواحظاً
أَمَا ترى تلك الظُّبا كيف تُسَلْ
3. Oh, what a disaster, those alluring gazelles,
No mind remained sane because of them, only crazy,
٣. يا ويحها نواطِراً سواحِراً
ما عُقِل العقلُ بها إِلاّ اختبلْ
4. If Babylon were not in their eyelids,
Their arrows would not have flown from their quiver,
٤. لو لم تكن بابلُ في أَجفانها
لما بَرَتْ أَسهمَها من المُقَلْ
5. Oh you who shoots poisoned arrows,
Your eyes, are they for the one who looks or the blind?
٥. يا رامياً مسمومةً نصالُهُ
عَيناك للقارَةِ قُلْ لي أم ثُعَل
6. And you who frightened me with your glance,
Your eyes preceded the sharp sword,
٦. وعاذلٍ خوّفني من لحظها
إِليك عني سبق السيفُ العَذَل
7. The shedder of my blood is infatuated,
I'm the slain, infatuated with the one who killed me,
٧. ذك على سَفْك دمي محبّبٌ
أَنا القتيل مُغْرَمٌ بمن قتل
8. I noticed from them two cheeks that flowed,
Like the water of youth set ablaze by their embers,
٨. لاحظت منه وجنتيْن ما جرى
ماءُ الصِّبا بجمرها إِلاّ اشتعل
9. Oh, for their thirsty, guaranteed,
If the waist had guaranteed my love, it would have been tied,
٩. آه على ظمآنها ضَمانة
لو كفل الخصر لِوَجْدي بالكَفَل
10. Oh companion, release from the fetters of sorrow,
When you are released among those ornaments,
١٠. يا صاح حَلِّلْ من أَناشيط الأَسى
إِذا حللت بين هاتيك الحِلَلْ
11. Ask about my sleep deprived by yearning, where did it go?
And about my heart after it, what did it do?
١١. سلْ عن رُقادي بالغضا أَين مضى
وعن فؤادي بعدها ماذا فعل
12. And if your eyes see an empty quarter,
Irrigate their thirst with that rain,
١٢. وإِن رأَتْ عيناك ربعاً خالياً
فاسق حَيا طَلِّهما ذاك الطَّللْ
13. And count eyelid to eyelid,
For their gaze is the closest era to an appointed time,
١٣. وَعَدِّ عن مَحاجرٍ بحاجرٍ
نظرتُها أَقربُ عهدٍ بأَجلْ
14. And avoid the forbidden fruits of love,
For the branch of enjoyment bears the picker of shame,
١٤. واجْتَنِ أَثمار الهوى فباللَّوى
غصنُ نقاً يَحملُ نُقّاحَ الخجل
15. And if the swaying of his stature eludes you,
Then ask his peers among the rivals,
١٥. وإِنْ يغب عنك اهتزازُ قدّه
فسل به أَترابه من الأَسَل
16. Everything permitted to him is forbidden,
I wish I knew how he made my blood permissible,
١٦. كلُّ حَلالٍ عنده مُحَرّمٌ
فليت شعري عن دمي كيف استحل
17. Beware of seeing my murder as unjust,
For my opponent has no kinship with my tribe,
١٧. إِيّاك أن تحمِل قتلي ظالماً
فما لخصمي بقبيلي من قِبَل
18. You see if the avenger wants revenge,
Is there protection from the Protector of the Faith?
١٨. ترى وَليّ الثأْر إِن أَراده
فهل مُجيرٌ من مُجير الدين هل