
A steed as though the sun therein did rise

شية كأن الشمس فيها أشرقت

1. A steed as though the sun therein did rise
And the full moon therein gave light likewise

١. شِيَةٌ كَأَنَّ الشَمسَ فيها أَشرَقَت
وَأَضاءَ فيها البَدرُ عِندَ تَمامِهِ

2. And as though thereunder its rider's seat
Flashed no lightning flash but was bright and complete

٢. وَكَأَنَّهُ مِن تَحتِ راكِبِهِ رُكوبه
ما لاحَ بَرقٌ لاحَ تَحتَ غَمامِهِ

3. A back smooth-running as running water, bearing
His weight and the packsaddle and trappings spare.

٣. ظَهرٌ كَجَريِ الماءِ لينُ رُكوبِهِ
في حالَتي إِتعابِهِ وَجَمامِهِ

4. His forearms on the sandy soil did win
At the gallop, in the plaintext and on the hill.

٤. سَفِهَت يَداهُ عَلى الثَرى فَتَلاعَبَت
في جَريِهِ بِسُهولِهِ وَإِكامِهِ

5. By hooves as of rock, save that they surpassed
Rock itself for strength and for fixedness fast.

٥. عَن حافِرٍ كَالصَخرِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
أَقوى وَأَصلَبُ مِنهُ في اِستِحكامِهِ

6. When the wild cows bend, what are the khazran-canes
To the gentle curves of its ribs and bones.

٦. ما الخَيزُرانُ إِذا اِنثَنَت أَعطافُهُ
في لينِ مَعطِفِهِ وَلينِ عِظامِهِ

7. A neck Fate-watered, long, whereby he takes
The whole of the thrown rein, and half the stakes.

٧. عُنُقٌ يَطولُ بِها فُضولَ عِنانِهِ
وَمُحَزَّمٌ يَغتالُ فَضلَ حِزامِهِ

8. And as though thereon, with the winds allied,
He continued running and ceased not to stride.

٨. وَكَأَنَّهُ بِالريحِ مُنتَعِلٌ وَما
جَريُ الرِياحِ كَجَريِهِ وَدَوامِهِ

9. He assumed all beauty, perfection entire,
And was quit of all reproach and all blame.

٩. أَخَذَ المَحاسِنَ آمِناً مِن عَيبِهِ
وَحَوى الكَمالَ مُبَرّأً مِن ذامِهِ