1. Hold on Abu Hasan, hold on O youth of Arabs
Hold on O poet of verse, hold on O lad of literature
١. مَهلاً أَبا حَسَنٍ مَهلاً فَتى العَرَبِ
مَهلاً فَتى الشِعرِ مَهلاً يا فَتى الأَدَبِ
2. Do not make me climb rugged hills
Where poetry would ride other than its own terrain
٢. لا تَحمِلَنّي عَلى حَدباءَ مُعضِلَةٍ
فَيَركَبُ الشِعرَ ظَهراً غَيرَ ذي حَدَبِ
3. If you trust in my forbearance in the hour of anger
You have proposed to me, yet I stand above proposals
٣. لَئِن وَثِقتَ بِحلمي ساعَةَ الغَضَبِ
خَطَبتَ بي فَأَنا العالي عَلى الخُطَبِ
4. Can the flowing stream take from the stagnant pool?
Or the pure gold be mixed with the dull ore?
٤. هل يَأَخُذُ الزّاخِرُ الفَيّاض مِن وَشَلٍ
وَيُخلَطُ الصّفرُ بِالصافي مِنَ الذَهَبِ
5. How can one enter the train of processions
When the dust of arduous marches rises from him?
٥. وَكَيفَ يَدخُل في عَرضِ المَواكِبِ مَن
يَنشَقُّ عَنهُ غُبارُ الجَحفَلِ اللَجِبِ
6. Or how can one who robs the right of speech from its speaker
Take it, when he has always clothed people in plunder?
٦. أَم كَيفَ يَسلُبُ حَقَّ القَولِ قائِلهُ
مَن لَم يَزَل وَهوَ يَكسو الناسَ مِن سَلَبِ
7. One who rewards a dog is in need of kindness
And the collector of camel dung needs fuel
٧. مَن جَزَّ كَلباً فَمُحتاجٌ إِلى وَبَرٍ
وَلاقِطُ البَعرِ مُحتاجٌ إِلى حَطَبِ
8. Poetry is the steed you ride
Branching out from it or not branching out
٨. وَالشِعرُ ظَهرُ طَريقٍ أَنتَ راكِبُهُ
فَمِنهُ مُنشَعِبٌ أَو غَير مُنشَعِبِ
9. And sometimes it brings the distant parts of the train together
And joins the tall camel saddle to the camel saddle
٩. وَرُبَّما ضَمَّ بَينَ الرَكبِ مَنهَجَهُ
وَأَلصَقَ الطُنُبَ العالي إلى الطُنُبِ
10. I think his invitation to poetry is permissible
Binding on me just as kinship ties are binding
١٠. أَظَنَّ دَعوَتَهُ في الشِعرِ جائِزَةً
لَهُ عَلَيَّ كَما جازَت عَلى النَسَبِ