
A visitor came, though if her Lord came

وزائرة جاءت ولو جاء ربها

1. A visitor came, though if her Lord came
We'd be content without her or the scent of roses.

١. وَزائِرَةٍ جاءَت وَلَو جاءَ رَبُّها
غَنينا بِهِ عَنها وَعَن نَفحَةِ الوَردِ

2. The tale of her smile spreads from her like the smiles
Of a heavenly breeze from the eternal garden.

٢. حَكى نَشرُها مِنهُ خَلائِقَ نَشرِها
كَنَشرِ نَسيمِ الريحِ مِن جَنَّةَ الخُلدِ

3. In her purity I compared her to his purity
For his brothers, both near and far.

٣. وَشَبَّهتُها في صَفوِها بِصَفائِهِ
لِإِخوانِهِ في القُربِ مِنهُ وَفي البُعدِ

4. And he sent us from himself her breeze, her breeze,
And though if she leaves, it will last as pledged.

٤. وَأَهدى لَنا مِنهُ النسيمَ نَسيمُها
وَإِن كانَ إِن حالَت يَدومُ عَلى العَهدِ