
Lost is Sa'eed though honored with command

وتاه سعيد أن أعير رئاسة

1. Lost is Sa'eed though honored with command
And charged with that which was beyond his hand

١. وَتاهَ سَعيدٌ أَن أُعيرَ رِئاسَةً
وَقُلِّدَ أَمراً كانَ دونَ رِجالِهِ

2. So he turned from me when fortune smiled on him
And changed my state when his was fair and trim

٢. فَأَدبَرَ عَنّي عِندَ إِقبالِ حَظِّهِ
وَغَيَّرَ حالي عِندَهُ حُسنُ حالِهِ

3. And straitened was my right after its width
So I excused him for his narrow greed

٣. وَضاقَ عَلى حَقّي بِعَقبِ اِتِّساعِهِ
فَأَوسَعتُهُ عُذراً لِضيقِ اِحتِمالِهِ

4. Would that Abu Uthman had curbed his straying
As he curbed his grip on wealth and money-paying

٤. فَلَيتَ أَبا عُثمانَ أَمسَكَ تيهَهُ
كَإِمساكِهِ عِندَ الحُقوقِ بِمالِهِ

5. And he estranges himself whenever I come visiting
As if I had shared in provisioning his family

٥. وَيَزوَرُّ عَنّي كُلَّما جِئتُ زائِراً
كَأَنّيَ قَد شارَكتُهُ في عِيالِهِ